NFHTA Forum | Bostock and Beyond: Practical Applications of LGBTQIA+ Fair Housing Protections

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 11AM


Equal opportunity to access, use, and enjoy housing, including rental housing and homeownership opportunities, is the cornerstone of America’s federal housing policy. However, LGBTQIA+ individuals’ housing opportunities are often constrained by others’ prejudice because of one’s sexual orientation or gender identity. According to a 2020 UCLA study, same-sex couples are significantly more likely to report they were refused housing (15 percent vs. 6 percent) and are less likely to own homes than different-sex couples (64 percent vs. 75 percent).


This forum is dedicated to enrich fair housing professionals’ understanding of the fair housing protections afforded to the LGBTQIA+ community as described in HUD’s LGBTQIA+ Fair Housing Toolkit. This forum will explore the practical applications and clarify LGBTQIA+ related protections afforded in HUD programs under the Equal Access Rule.


Participants will learn how the Fair Housing Act can be used to enforce the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, and for specific groups within it. Finally, panelists will highlight how housing providers can utilize robust non-discrimination housing policies and practices to foster a diverse and inclusive housing environment.


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