Provider Portal

RESOURCES AND INFORMATION FOR and about Coordinated access system (cas) pROVIDERS

General Info + Resources

Discover provider involvement opportunities, recent trainings, the relationship between SSF and providers, FAQs, and more

Shelter Providers

Discover what are considered shelters within CAS, how they are categorized, and how to access relevant forms and documents as a shelter provider.

Problem-Solving Access Points

Discover what Problem-Solving Access Points (PSAPs) are, what documents you need as a provider, and recent access point updates

Housing Providers

Discover what constitutes the different types of housing in CAS, as well as documents, trainings, and information specific to housing providers

Survivor Access System

Discover what the Survivor Access System is, along with documents, trainings, and updates specifically for Surivor Access System providers.

Coordinated Access Navigators

Discover who the Coordinated Access Navigator (CAN) Team is, how to access their resource center, and how to access CAN Team employment opportunities.

General Information + Resources

SSF + Providers

Sacramento Steps Forward (SSF) is not a direct service provider. Rather, our role within CAS is to increase access to shelter, housing, and services through:

  • Building and maintaining a homelessness prevention and diversion approach 
  • Managing client referrals to CAS-participating shelter and housing providers
  • Collaborating with, integrating, and supporting housing providers, shelter providers, and access points within CAS 

Resources + Ways to Get Involved

The Frontline Learning Collaborative (FLC) is a recurring meeting for frontline staff in direct homelessness services, facilitated by Sacramento Steps Forward to strengthen resource sharing, relationship building, and collaborative problem-solving within the homelessness response system.


These meetings occur on the fourth Thursday of every month, 10::00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., at the Rose Family Creative Empowerment Center (7000 Franklin Blvd, Ste 1020, Sacramento, CA).


For updates and invites, sign up for our Frontline Learning Collaborative email list.


To learn more about the FLC or inquire about presenting, contact

The CAS Provider Forum is a recurring meeting for the homelessness response system community (including providers, partners, frontline workers, and more) to provide feedback and suggestions regarding CAS. These meetings occur every third Wednesday of the month from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at this link.

SSF regularly shares opportunities for to submit proposals, or “Requests for Proposals” (RFPs), from our partners around the Sacramento region. These are a chance for providers to meet needs in the community while expanding their funding for their efforts within the homelessness response system. Find recent RFPs here, and check back regularly for updates,

SSF hosts regular case conferencing to discuss and coordinate housing efforts and plans for those experiencing homelessness. These meetings are a great opportunity to collaborate with other providers and share resources. Express your interest in participating via this form.

The first step to becoming a CAS provider is becoming registered as a new HMIS user (if you are not already in the system). To request new user access for your agency, please see this page. For additional questions on becoming a CAS-integrated provider, please email

CAS Public Launch: General Provider Training

Shelter Providers

Defining Shelter and Shelter Types


Emergency shelters provide safe, temporary housing for individuals and/or families who have no alternative safe housing options while they are supported in obtaining permanent housing or access to other appropriate assistance, such as treatment. Shelters serve people who have neither a safe home nor the means to obtain other safe permanent or temporary housing.

Emergency shelters may serve specific populations (e.g., families with children, single adults, transition age youth), in congregate or non-congregate facilities, and do not require occupants to sign leases or occupancy agreements. Emergency shelters seek to have low barriers to entry (without extensive requirements or rules) and, at a minimum, provide basic needs, housing-focused services, and linkage to voluntary mainstream services.



Provides accommodations in a way where residents share their living space.



Provides accommodations in a way where residents have their own private space. Non-congregate shelter is generally provided via motel rooms.


Shelter Types

Individual: Adult individuals

TAY: Transitional-age youth (18-24 years old)

Family: Households with at least one minor child or dependent 

Note: Trained service providers with Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) access can now directly conduct shelter assessments on behalf of clients to place them on a shelter waitlist.  

Provider Resources

You can find the shelter information collection form at the link below to help facilitate appropriate referrals.

Problem-Solving Access Points

Defining PSAPs

Problem-solving access points (PSAPs) are trained agencies that support households in identifying alternative housing options and community support to resolve their housing crisis. This could include mediation, conflict resolution, connections to mainstream resources, and limited financial assistance that directly results in housing being secured. Four designated PSAPs receive referrals from 211 and can provide housing location services for households with vouchers or identified housing.


Referral Eligibility

Anyone at-risk of or experiencing homelessness, or who is fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking and meets income requirements, is eligible for problem-solving services. Additional verification documents (proof of income, eviction filings, etc.) are required for financial assistance.

Provider Resources

You can find current forms and documents for PSAP providers at the link below.

Housing Providers

Defining Housing

Permanent Housing (PH)

Permanent Housing (PH) is a community-based housing model, the purpose of which is to provide housing without a designated length of stay. PH program participants must be the tenant on a lease (or sublease) which must:

  • Have an initial term of at least one year
  • Be renewable for a minimum term of one month
  • Be terminable only for cause

Permanent Supportive Housing 

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is permanent housing in which housing assistance (e.g., long-term leasing or rental assistance) and supportive services are provided to assist households with at least one member (Head of household) with a disability in achieving housing stability.


Rapid Rehousing (RRH)

Rapid Rehousing (RRH) provides short-term (up to three months) and medium-term (4-24 months) tenant-based rental assistance and supportive services to households experiencing homelessness. Length of assistance is based upon need and evaluated on a month to month basis.


Transitional Housing (TH)

Transitional housing (TH) is designed to provide homeless individuals and families with the interim stability and support to successfully move to and maintain permanent housing. Transitional housing may be used to cover the costs of up to 24 months of housing with accompanying supportive services. Program participants must have a lease (or sublease) or occupancy agreement in place when residing in transitional housing.

Training Materials and Recordings


Effective 7/5/2023, the Coordinated Entry System Committee Co-Chair members and the CoC Executive Committee voted to amend the COVID-19 prioritization schema to remove the VI-SPDAT scoring process as a prioritization factor for RRH and PSH referrals. The VI-SPDAT is known to cause racial inequities, specifically when determining who gets into PSH and RRH. The removal of the VI-SPDAT will improve housing placements into RRH/ PSH and address racial inequities experienced by BIPOC, thereby supporting our goal of equitably and efficiently prioritizing individuals and families entering the coordinated access system.  


The CoC, Racial Equity Committee and Coordinated Entry System Committee have been tasked with developing a replacement tool to the VI-SPDAT. When/if this tool is adopted it will replace the VI-SPDAT assessment and a new prioritization schema will be developed.


Individuals entering the Coordinated Access System will be prioritized based on the following prioritization factors;  

  1. Age 65+ with or without underlying medical conditions
  2. All ages with underlying medical conditions 
  3. All ages without underlying medical conditions

Tiebreaker (applies to all levels): Length of time homeless (Longest to shortest)

Provider Forms and Documents

You can find current forms and documents for housing providers at this link.

Survivor Access System

Defining the Survivor Access System

The Survivor Access System (S-CAS) is a specialized segment of the Coordinated Access systemin which providers:

  • Provide Trauma-Informed Case Management and/or housing navigation to survivors
  • Provide expertise and input
  • Integrate the voice of survivors into the homeless system
  • Increase access and options of housing resources for survivors

S-CAS Process Overview

Training Materials and Recordings

Eligibility and Prioritization

Navigators and providers can use this tool to determine eligibility and inform the prioritization for clients seeking survivor system resources. 

Provider Forms and Documents

You can find current forms and documents for housing providers at this link.

Coordinated Access Navigators

Defining the CAN Team

The Coordinated Access Navigator (CAN) Team is a set of trained navigators from Elica Health who provide navigational support to clients within the Coordinated Access System, guiding them through the next steps after system access.

Resource Center

Elica Health, our partner for coordinated navigation, has developed a resource center for the Sacramento community. Clients and community members can access this resource center online at this link or in person using the address and information below.


Elica Health Centers – Resource Center
5735 Watt Avenue
North Highlands, CA 95660




For more information regarding the resource center, use the following contact information:

(916) 454-2345

Employment Opportunities