2024 Point-In-Time Count

1.24.2024 and 1.25.2024

The 2024 PIT Count is complete. Thank you to all of our volunteers and partners! Results will be released as part of a full community report later this spring.

Photographer and videographer: Aaron Yabes.

Deployment Locations

Primary Location: City of Sacramento

Citrus Heights

Elk Grove


Rancho Cordova

About the PIT

Sacramento Steps Forward (SSF), as the lead agency for the Sacramento Continuum of Care (CoC), is responsible for planning and conducting a point-in-time (PIT) count of unsheltered persons who meet the definition established by the US Housing and Urban Development (US HUD) of “unsheltered homeless person” (i.e., person residing in a place not meant for human habitation such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings (on the street)). The PIT typically occurs every other year on a single night during the final 10 days of January. The PIT Count Committee meets monthly to engage in planning and implementation activities.


Consequently, the CoC is responsible for submitting PIT Count data as required by HUD. This data is collected nationwide, providing estimates of homelessness and demographic characteristics of people experiencing homelessness (PEH).  


Collecting this data is important and enables the opportunity for us to: 

  • Understand the causes of homelessness 
  • Design more effective policies, programs, funding, and homeless system response 
  • Measure progress toward reducing homelessness 
  • Engage community members on matters of housing and homelessness 

Remain part of the movement to create positive change around Sacramento homelessness. Stay in touch with our network and learn more about community opportunities available to you.

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Check back regularly for new information and coverage around the 2024 PIT Count.

If you’d like to receive news and updates on all things PIT and volunteering directly in your inbox, make sure to sign up for our monthly newsletters using the “Join Our Mailing Lists” button below. For PIT-relevant questions, please email sacpitcount@sacstepsforward.org.