2018 December Advisory Board Meeting

  • Welcome and Introductions: Jonathan Porteus, Chair
    • Welcome to newest member, Lashanda McCauley, representing lived experience of a family with minor children.
  • Review and Approval of Minutes: Emily Bender
    • Motion to approve October Minutes: 1st – Dan Monk, 2nd – Erin Johansen, MSC. Alyson Collier, Abstain.
  • Chair’s Report:
    • Entities that have declared shelter crises: County of Sacramento, City of Sacramento, City of Elk Grove.
    • Citrus Heights will be declaring shelter crises December 13th.
    • There is an extension to the railroad shelter, pending council approval next week.
    • The SSF Board is in active process in recruiting a new CEO.
  • SSF Interim CEO Report: Anne Moore
    • Moore: Acknowledges the ribbon cutting for TLCS’ new program, Possibilities.
    • There is word from HUD that the announcement of they FY18 NOFA awards will be published sometime at the end of January 2019.
    • Mercy will be undergoing the groundbreaking of the Courtyard Inn.
    • Acknowledges the good work and partnership being conducted in getting restart running.
    • 2019 Cap-to-Cap planning will begin soon.
  • Item A: 2019 Membership
  • The annual Public Call for nominations for recruitment of the Sacramento CoC Advisory Board was shared on the Sacramento Steps Forward website, and shared via email on December 5th
  • The Board will be selecting up to eight (8) members to join them. Five (5) members will be terming off, with no eligibility to renew, and seven (7) memberships will be expiring with eligibility to renew for one or more terms.
  • Declarations of Interest forms are electronic, available on the website. Applications are due January 16th.
  • Is there a lifetime limit on how many times a member can join the CoC Advisory Board?
    • There is not currently any policy on this, but the Governance Committee can look into this.
  • The Nominating Committee is the Executive Committee, plus others from the Advisory Board membership may join the,, depending on who would like to join, and the body nominations are for. For example, for the CES Evaluation Committee, the Nominating Committee was Sarah, John, and Emily, plus the co-chairs of the CES Committee.
  • Foley: We need representation from certain entities on the Board, specifically elected.
  • Are there any particular spots of representation that are dedicated?
    • No area of representation that is mandated to be on the board except for lived experience.
    • Those terming off may nominate candidates.
    • Kraintz: I would hate to see these experts replaced by politicians.
  • Item B: HEAP & CESH Update
    • Moore: We submitted the CoC and City HEAP applications on December 3rd. We are waiting for award of funds for CESH as early as this month. Elk Grove is part of the proposal now. Anticipating Citrus Heights to join us as well.
    • Inter-agency meeting was held to launch the work of HEAP/CESH.
    • RFQ Concept for Systems Work:
      • We started the leadership team to talk about how to approach bringing in consultants and experts to help with this project.
      • After looking at all the consultants that we need to accomplish all goals, it doesn’t make sense to issue several RFPs, especially since we have so many interrelated functions. Instead, we think issuing an RFQ to bring in a multi-talented team of consultants that will stick with us. We would be using our time, efforts, and dollars more efficiently. It could also be easier for a consultant to respond to an RFQ than and RFP. Staff is working on figuring out what the scope is for the RFQ – the talents and products we want out of this. We know the assessment redesign of the Coordinated Entry System, developing standards for case management and outreach, a systems map, and the gaps analysis. We can’t have a gaps analysis without an agreement of what the systems map will look like. As you can see, all of these things interrelate, and we have to think holistically of how they all piece together.
      • We commit to come back to this board in January with the scope of this RFQ, with consideration to fast track the gaps analysis.
      • Porteus: This is an elegant solution to getting all of our needs met.
      • Moore: We are looking for a team that understands this body of work. They will be coordinating with other contractors. We want someone else to manage how well everything falls together.
    • Coordinated Entry System Assessment, Redesign & Evaluation Scope of Work
      • SSF staff has started to draft the scope of work.
      • We want to evaluate the current system functioning based on community feedback and data assessment
      • We are asking the consultant to help is redesign and maximize other parts of the system including sheltering and ensure that there is good client flow
      • We want to expand Coordinated Entry to emergency shelters and a bed reservation system.
      • We want to integrate diverse entry systems including the general populations, youth, veterans, and mental health.
      • We want to standardize reporting and accountability

Item C: 2019 PIT Committee

  • Nick Lee: This year’s PIT count will be two days. IN the past, we acquired a PIT coordinator and a research team through procurement with a lot of stakeholder engagement along the way.
  • Michele Watts presents a memo on proposing a 2019 PIT Count Committee (not included in the packet, but shared during the meeting).
    • Staff is suggesting that with the 2019 PIT Count with less than two months away, many elements have already been contracted for, launched, or implemented and agreed upon. Most points of engagement for a CoC Advisory Board PIT committee have already come and past, but there is a lot of value in convening a 2019 PIT Count Committee to focus its efforts in assessing current practice and debriefing as those activities occur and after the count is complete with goal of defining the scope of work for future PIT Committees, which would typically begin meeting the summer before the PIT count.
    • The PIT Committee recruitment will occur in December, and the Executive Committee will configure a slate for approval at the January Advisory Board meeting,
    • Recruitment for membership is open to Advisory Board members and other community members.
    • All names of those seeking membership will be provided to all Advisory Board members via email. Members will be asked to provide input of those who seek membership to the Executive Committee before they select a slate of recommendation.
    • We will take nominations until Friday, December 21st by noon. The names will be shared with the Advisory Board that same day, and members will have until December 28th to provide input.
    • The likely term for this committee will be approximately 6 months, with an orientation in January, with the obligation to report back to the Advisory Board in July or August of 2019.
  • Item D: Letter to City Council
    • Porteus: The purpose of the letter is to remind the City and the County that the CoC is the “braintrust” on homeless related issues and to embrace the original mandate of Sacramento Steps Forward which was to be the single place for making decisions around homelessness. We do want to commend elected officials for their support. The letter was also prompted by a discussion at City council. We want to be inclusive of the homeless provider community in being a part of the CoC and not try to create alternative pathways of funding.
    • Johansen: I think this is a good first step, but it may need to be more welcoming of other providers.
    • Cavanaugh: The comments made does not reflect the content of the letter. The letter indicates that we are here to partner and to offer expertise to know that there is a lot of coordination. The letter can go to every jurisdiction. Collaboration is important.
    • Motion to move forward with the letter with the acknowledgment that the letter needs edits to better describe its purpose: Dion Dwyer, 1st; Erin Johansen, 2nd. Abstentions: Emily Halcon, Sarah Bontrager, Cindy Cavanaugh.
  • Item E: County Homeless Plan Update
    • Cavanaugh: The county is committed to being transparent. Two meetings today. The partners in this room and SSF, the City, SHRA, are leads on leads on the plan.
    • The letter to the City and County should be less focused on Housing First and focus more oriented to the plan and the collaboration between all parties.
    • It would be helpful for the SSF Board of Directors to say that they are interested.
    • Motion to be in support of the County Homeless Plan: Alexis Bernard, 1st. Alyson Collier, 2nd. MSC. Abstentions: Cindy Cavanaugh
  • Item F: 100-Day Challenge Update:
    • Tristina Stewart and Kate Hutchinson:
      • At the kick-off in November, we set a goal of housing 200 youth. Currently, we are aware of 40 youth that have been housed, though that number is most likely higher as we know that we have not captured all that have been housed. Additionally we have contacted about 440 youth in the community from our by-name list. We are working with different systems to continually update our list. We are pretty close on being on track to reaching our goal, which would be housing 2 individuals a day.
      • The group has been very involved in the PIT Count for youth. We are planning a big event for the night of January 30th so that we are able to get a more accurate count.
      • If you haven’t received a newsletter, please contact Kate Hutchinson to be added to the mailing list.
      • We have a goal, but the mission is really to improve our system and ensure that the community is working together.
    • Announcements:
      • Jeff Tardaguila: RT has announced new bus proposal. We will be down to 46 bus routes. This would illuminate many routes and stops, including Loaves and Fishes.
    • Adjourn
      • Meeting adjourned 9:45 AM

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