This half-day virtual meeting focused on education and information-sharing about the state of homelessness in our community and the current work of the CoC to address it, as well as discussion of the challenges and opportunities before us and our goals and aspirations.
Learn about the day:
The 2021 Sacramento CoC Annual Meeting agenda consists of an overview on the CoC, voices from our community, breakout sessions for small group discussions, and closed with a large group discussion for next steps.
Materials & Recording:
Main Room Recording (Meeting starts around 21:33)
Breakout sessions:
Session 1: Improving Coordinated Entry: Optimizing Access to Housing and Services
Peter Bell, SSF Coordinated Entry System Manager
Community Partners: Gabriel Kendall, Scott Young, and Tahirih Ann Kraft
The Sacramento CoC conducted a comprehensive, independent evaluation of its coordinated entry system in 2020. The results of this evaluation highlighted several opportunities for improvement, including improving the experience for people experiencing homelessness. This breakout session will provide an authentic conversation exploring access challenges and opportunities with panel members who are providing or supervising direct services to people experiencing homelessness. In this session, we will review the evaluation’s key takeaways and discuss initial investments and emerging opportunities for system improvement.
Breakout Session 1 Presentation
Breakout Session 1 Supporting Material
Session 2: Closing the Gaps: Planning and Coordinating to Improve the Homeless System of Care
Scott Clark, SSF Systems Performance Analyst
Community Partners: Faye Wilson Kennedy, Danielle Foster, Monica Rocha-Wyatt, and Stefan Heisler
Many agencies in Sacramento County contribute significant resources in the ongoing effort to address and end homelessness. While these resources reach many members of our community, the need continues to be greater than our capacity and there are opportunities to improve coordination among our partners. This breakout session will review current strategic efforts across Sacramento, identify where there are gaps in the response system, and discuss how to address those gaps collaboratively.
Breakout Session 2 Presentation
Breakout Session 2 Supporting Material
Session 3: Advancing Racial Equity: Social Justice Through Community Engagement
Dr. Tamu Green, SSF, Systems Performance Advisor
Community Partners: Fatemah Martinez, Pixie Pearl and Zuri K. Colbert
By focusing on populations facing the greatest inequities during this time of striking threats from COVID-19, structural racism, and basic humanitarian needs, we can uplift existing efforts and co-create those that will carry us into the future. In this breakout session, we will have the opportunity to explore several community-driven efforts to advance racial equity and re-imagine our homelessness system as being fully inclusive, anticipatory, and responsive.
Breakout Session 3 Presentation
Next Steps:
The input and feedback we received from the 2021 Sacramento CoC Annual meeting will be shared with the corresponding Sacramento CoC Committees to integrate into action steps and continued discussions which will take place at the Committee meetings and CoC Board in upcoming months. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michelle Charlton.
Updated: July 20th, 2021.