Racial Equity Stakeholder Forums

The Racial Equity (REQ) Committee of the Sacramento CoC Board is committed to improving the homelessness system for all, and especially for those who experience racial disparities. We are conducting stakeholder forums because homelessness touches a broad array of people, organizations, and institutions in our community, and we want to hear from them because many have the experience and expertise that can help us understand the racial underpinnings of our system. Below you will find details about the REQ Stakeholder forums.

REQ Stakeholder Forum #1: Monday, April 26th, 2021 (11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)

In the first REQ Stakeholder forum we discussed the purpose, local BIPOC-serving organizations, breakout groups with report outs, and the next steps. The Stakeholder forum #1 agenda and recording are provided below.

REQ Stakeholder Forum #1 Agenda

REQ Stakeholder Forum #1 Recording

REQ Stakeholder Forum #2: Monday, June 21st, 2021 (11:00 a.m. to 1:o0 p.m.)

At the second REQ stakeholder forum you will have an opportunity to review the highlights of our draft action plan and provide input into that plan. The Stakeholder forum #2 materials, recording, and chat are provided below.

REQC Interviews Presentation

REQC Interviews Summary

Draft REQC Action Plan

REQ Stakeholder Forum #2 Recording

REQ Stakeholder Forum #2 Chat


SSF CoC REQ Committee Meetings Materials & Agendas

SSF CoC REQ Committee Purpose & Workplan

SSF REQ Training Series

SSF REQ Overview Workshop Presentation

Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California’s REQ Resources Library 

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