We are excited to share upcoming Provider funding opportunities. Explore the opportunities, materials, deadlines, and more below!
The City of Sacramento, Department of Community Response is soliciting proposals for interested and qualified agencies to operate the Meadowview Navigation Center, including related supportive services and rehousing efforts. Stable exits to permanent housing will be the primary objective and on-site case management will begin immediately to connect program participants to stable income, public benefits, and community based supportive services.
In response to the Request for Proposals, the City anticipates receiving competitive pricing as well as an assurance of quality services.
The City intends to award one contract, however, it may choose to award additional contracts as the City deems necessary to meet the City’s needs.
Bid due date: February 14, 2025, by 5:00 p.m. (PST)
The City of Sacramento, Department of Community Response is soliciting proposals for interested and qualified agencies to operate Emergency Bridge Housing (EBH), including related supportive services, and rehousing efforts.
Stable exits to permanent housing will be the primary objective and on-site case management will begin immediately to connect program participants to stable income, public benefits, and community based supportive services.
In response to the Request for Proposals, the City anticipates receiving competitive pricing as well as an assurance of quality services.
The City intends to award one contract, however, it may choose to award additional contracts as the City deems necessary to meet the City’s needs.
Bid due date: February 14, 2025, by 5:00 p.m. (PST)
The City of Sacramento, Department of Community Response, is soliciting proposals for interested and qualified agencies to operate the X Street Navigation Center (The Center) located at 2970 X Street, including related supportive services and rehousing efforts. Stable exits to permanent housing will be the primary objective and onsite case management will begin immediately to connect program participants to stable income, public benefits, and community based supportive services.
In response to the Request for Proposals, the City anticipates receiving competitive pricing as well as assurance of quality services.
The City intends to award one contract, however, it may choose to award additional contracts as the City deems necessary to meet the City’s needs.
Bid due date: February 14, 2025, by 5:00 p.m. (PST)
The PATH CITED initiative provides funding to build the capacity and infrastructure of on-the-ground partners, including community-based organizations, hospitals, county agencies, Tribes, and others, to successfully participate in providing Medi-Cal Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports services. Applicants may include:
Bid due date: Friday, May 2, 2025, by 11:59 p.m. (PST)
Check this page for new information and updates. Last updated: February 4, 2025.
The City of Davis is requesting proposals for services and projects qualifying under the following program(s):
The City of Davis is an entitlement city in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. CDBG funds assist very-low, low, and moderate-income persons/households by providing much needed services, housing and facilities. This includes services to those with
critical needs, including, but not limited to, people experiencing homelessness, at-risk youth, at-risk LGBTQ populations, seniors, those with disabilities and families in need. This “Program Guidelines” packet is designed to aid your organization in applying for CDBG and Discretionary Grant funds.
Proposals must be received by the City of Davis via-email no later than 4:00 pm on Friday, April 26, 2024.
The City of Davis is requesting proposals for services and projects qualifying under the following program(s):
The City of Davis is an entitlement city in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). Since its initial participation in HOME , over $11 million has been awarded to the City. The grant funds have assisted very-low income persons/households in Davis by providing much needed affordable housing. The City Council, Social Services Commission, and staff review all requests for funding of HOME projects during the city’s annual “Proposal Review” cycle.
Proposal Due: On or before 4:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time), Friday, April 26, 2024.
The Center at Sierra Health Foundation and the State of California’s Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) are pleased to announce the Foster Youth Substance Use Disorder Evidence-Based and Promising Practice Program funding opportunity. This is an excellent opportunity to see if your organization qualifies for an annual contract of up to $250k per client.
The County of Sacramento Department of Health Services, Behavioral Health Services, is seeking qualified organizations to implement and operate low barrier bridge housing with voluntary supportive services to address immediate interim housing needs while ensuring viable pathways to permanent housing sustainability for people experiencing homelessness who have serious mental illness and/or substance use disorder. The Letter of Interest/Program Proposal (LOI/PP) is available online under Time Limited Announcements at https://dhs.saccounty.gov/Pages/Contractor-Bidding-Opportunities.aspx.
Direct link:
This competition is closed.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Sacramento Continuum of Care (CoC)
Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Voucher Supportive Services
To review the proposal description, submission process, scoring, and resources, see the full RFP document.
Important Dates:
● RFP Release: Monday, 8/21/23
● Proposers Conference: Thursday, 8/24/23 from 9am-10am via Zoom
● Mandatory Letter of Intent to Apply: Friday, 9/1/23
● Questions Due to SSF: Thursday, 9/7/23
● SSF Response to Questions: Tuesday, 9/12/23
● Submission Due: Friday, 9/25/23 – 5 PM
● Interviews with RFP respondents (if necessary): by Thursday, 8/31/23
● (SSF/CoC) Proposal Evaluation and Selection Process: Tuesday, 9/5/23 – Friday, 9/8/23
● Contractor Selection Date: Friday, 10/20/23
● Contract Execution Date: Monday, 11/6/23
Key Details:
RFP Released on: 8/21/2023
Proposals Due Date: 9/25/23 5 PM
Submit Proposals by email to: RFP@Sacstepsforward.org
*No late submissions will be considered
If you have any questions, please contact: RFP@Sacstepsforward.org
This competition is closed.
The City of Elk Grove is accepting proposals from qualified homeless service providers to operate a low-barrier shelter, known as the Enhanced Winter Sanctuary, for those experiencing homelessness in the 2023-2024 winter season, in accordance with the included specifications, terms, and conditions shown in this Request for Proposals (RFP). Prospective respondents are advised to read this information over carefully prior to submitting a proposal. One digital PDF copy must be submitted to the Office of the Clerk by September 1, 2023 at 4:00pm. Proposals shall be addressed to the City Clerk Jason Lindgren at jlindgren@elkgrovecity.org, with a copy to Sarah Bontrager at sbontrager@elkgrovecity.org.
Submittals in PDF format must be fully ADA compliant. Large files may be sent using a cloud-based system such as Dropbox. Proposer shall be responsible for ensuring that proposals submitted electronically are received by the City Clerk prior to the deadline. Proposals that are not received prior to the deadline shall not be considered by the City, even if the late submission is due to a technical or other error, including, without limitation, the City’s inability to open or access the electronic file. If the proposer does not receive a confirmation form the City Clerk that the proposal has been received, proposer should assume the transmission failed and either resubmit or arrange for another method of delivery. Proposers are also encouraged to contact the City Clerk to confirm receipt of their proposal prior to the deadline. Proposals shall not be accepted by fax.
Sacramento County Department of Homeless Services and Housing has released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for weather response for persons experiencing homelessness. This RFQ is now open for your submissions. The deadline is July 14th 2023 at 5:00PM.
We know that the impacts of climate change are felt most acutely by those community members most regularly exposed to the elements. Persons experiencing homelessness, particularly those living unsheltered, experience disproportionate health and safety impacts from Sacramento County’s rain, cold, wind, heat and air quality. In addition, we understand warming and cooling centers specifically will be utilized by a diversity of community members (housed and unhoused) impacted by the inclement weather.
As a result, Sacramento County’s Department of Homeless Services & Housing is exploring partnerships with community-based organizations to support the health and safety of persons experiencing homelessness during weather events.
The RFQ Project can be found here: https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/saccounty/projects/48468
Information Sessions:
For those interested in pursuing partnerships with other organizations as a part of this effort, we will have space during the information sessions to network and share interests in partnerships.
There is also a public Q&A and form on the OpenGov project to provide feedback & questions directly. Here is the pdf should you have an interest in reviewing the content in that version before responding through OpenGov.
This competition is closed. See more details here.
Sacramento Steps Forward is requesting proposals from agencies to provide Coordinated Access Navigation (CAN) Team services, such as housing problem-solving, system navigation, and limited financial assistance. The CAN team will play a critical role in the Coordinated Access System (CAS), by increasing accessibility to resources and supporting households resolve their housing crises whenever possible, with the goal of reducing the number of households who experience homelessness and housing instability. For more details, review the materials below:
Due Dates:
Application materials are to be submitted to RFP@sacstepsforward.org.
This competition is closed.
The Coordinated Access System (CAS) facilitates the coordination and management of resources and services through the crisis response system. CAS allows users to connect people efficiently and effectively to interventions that aim to rapidly resolve their housing crisis by increasing accessibility to resources and supporting households whenever possible. The CAS team’s goals are to reduce the number of households who experience homelessness and housing instability and to ensure that episodes of homelessness that do occur are rare, brief, and one-time. Please check back at a later time for more information.
This competition is closed. See list of awardees here.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), signifying the beginning of a funding competition among Continuums of Care (CoC), the community stakeholder groups that guide local responses to homelessness. The 2022 CoC NOFO was released on August 1st, 2022. Please visit the 2022 NOFO CoC Program Competition webpage for more information.
This competition is closed.
The Biden Administration through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a first-of-its-kind package of resources to address unsheltered homelessness and homeless encampments. Through this Special NOFO, HUD will award funding to communities to implement coordinated approaches–grounded in Housing First and public health principles–to reduce the prevalence of unsheltered homelessness and improve services, health outcomes, and housing stability among highly vulnerable unsheltered individuals and families.
The Sacramento Continuum of Care (CoC) is eligible for funding to address unsheltered homelessness (Sacramento is not eligible for the rural homelessness funding) up to $10.6 million through this Special NOFO process and the NOFO application is due to HUD on October 22, 2022. Stay informed and find more details below!
Please visit the 2022 Special NOFO webpage for more details.
Check this page for new information and updates. Updated: August 9th, 2022.
Sacramento Steps Forward is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) charity serving the Sacramento region. EIN# 27-4907397
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