Housing Problem Solving Training by Sacramento Steps Forward

Feb 28—March 1, 2024

Host: SSF


Housing Problem Solving is hosting an in-person 2.5-day training experience to support your understanding of early prevention, diversion skills, accessing funding through HMIS, and more.


As an attendee, you will learn early prevention and diversion skills and information to assist your client in quickly resolving and or rapidly exiting their housing crisis. This in-person training will be human-centered and equity-focused to empower individuals experiencing homelessness. The final day will cover requirements for accessing Housing Problem Solving funding and how to do so in HMIS and will include a basic Renters Rights session to support housing crisis intervention.


Content will be geared towards providers with existing HMIS access. This training is required for existing and prospective Problem-Solving Access Points.


Please reach out to psaps@sacstepsforward.org for questions regarding details and registration.