Housing Families First Collaborative Holds First-Ever Meeting

In a community first, Sacramento Steps Forward and leaders from the Sacramento County Office of Education, Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services, First 5, WEAVE, St. John’s Program for Real Change, Anthem Blue Cross, Waking the Village, and other respected family-facing partners held the first Housing Families First Collaborative convening on June 13, 2023 at the Rose Family Creative Empowerment Center. The purpose of the Housing Families First Collaborative is to provide leadership in strategic planning towards advancing system-level approaches to identify and monitor families at risk of and experiencing homelessness in Sacramento County. In this first convening we built community, provided clarity of commitment, established roles and responsibilities, increased our shared understanding of the purpose and approach, and discussed and informed our practice of inclusive and effective collaboration. Most importantly, we identified next steps in our shared vision of reducing and ending family homelessness in Sacramento, making it preventable, brief, and rare, through systems-level change, a focus on enhancing access to services and housing, prioritizing racial equity and using and improving data analytics to inform strategies per the Built for Zero model.


SSF is recruiting for a Family Collaborative Director to lead this work. If you, or someone you know is interested in the role, please apply here.