Our Purpose

Sacramento Steps Forward (SSF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that partners with local, state, and federal agencies to accomplish our shared goal of resolving homelessness. We focus on strengthening our community’s response to homelessness through the use of data and analytics to drive system-level changes, prioritize racial equity, and enhance access to services. We follow a Housing First approach (learn more about Housing First here).

Our Vision
An equitable community where everyone has a safe place to call home.

Our Mission

To resolve homelessness through leadership, convening partners, data-driven best practices, and improving system performance.

SSF is the lead agency for Sacramento Continuum of Care (CoC), which is the regional planning body that coordinates housing and services for homeless families and individuals in Sacramento. In its leading role for the CoC, SSF receives and manages federal, state, and local funds for shelter and housing programs and coordinates services for people experiencing homelessness. 

Our role as a convener allows us to invite the key agencies working in homelessness to a shared table. By bringing our partners together, we can support community alignment and collaboration to address the homeless crisis in Sacramento. 

Our Roles & Responsibilities

  • Offering leadership, coordination, and convening support 
  • Administering the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) 
  • Analyzing and sharing data to inform decision-makers and our community   
  • Advancing racial equity in our homeless response system 
  • Coordinating the annual Point-In-Time Count 
  • Fund and grant management for federal, state, and local homeless resources
  • Monitoring system and program performance 
  • Managing a Coordinated Entry System and increasing access to resources 

SSF is committed to championing lasting solutions within our community to resolve homelessness.