Education and Housing: Working Together to Connect Children 0-5 Experiencing Homelessness for Success

Wednesday, October 30, 11:00 a.m.


Early childhood is a critical period of development and is also when you are most likely to experience homelessness in the United States.

It is important that McKinney-Vento liaisons, homeless housing providers, and early childhood development programs work together to provide young children experiencing homelessness with the services and supports they need to succeed.


Please join SchoolHouse Connection and the Sacramento County Office of Education’s Project Teach for our upcoming webinar where participants will:


1. Better understand McKinney-Vento 101, the role of the liaison, and how homelessness can impact expectant parents, infants, toddlers, and their families experiencing homelessness.

2. Learn the prevalence of early childhood homelessness nationally, in the state of California, and in Sacramento, specifically.

3. Leave with sustainable action steps to: Form connections between liaisons and shelters/housing programs; Understand the new HMIS questions in the CAS Program Enrollment about children ages 0-5; Increase both the identification and enrollment of young children experiencing homelessness into early childhood development programs in their community.


Registration Link