Sacramento Steps Forward (SSF) is launching a New Continuum of Care (CoC) membership recruitment process to meet goals of advancing racial equity and increasing engagement with people with lived expertise of homelessness in the CoC’s work, as well as creating consistent, proactive, and transparent processes for filling vacancies for the CoC Board and its Committees.
We’re excited to share the NEW! Sacramento CoC Membership Application which has details about the 2021 Governance Charter, helpful resources, and more for those who are interested in applying to join the CoC Board and/or Committee(s). As part of the new CoC membership recruitment process, the period to apply is now extended to a two-month period when there is active recruitment for the CoC Board and/or Committee(s). We plan to share educational materials and resources with the goal to increase access and inclusion. Stay informed with the latest information by visiting the SSF CoC Board webpage and CoC Meetings webpage.
You are invited to review and apply to join the Sacramento CoC Board and/or its Committee(s). Access the new CoC membership application in the button below.
The CoC is actively recruiting for the:
Please see the CoC Membership Application for more details. If you have any questions, contact Michelle Charlton.
Check this page for new information and updates. Updated: Dec. 21st, 2021.
Sacramento Steps Forward is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) charity serving the Sacramento region. EIN# 27-4907397
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