System Performance Committee

Meeting Schedule:
Fourth Thursday of the Month from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Meeting Location:
Zoom Meetings Until Further Notice


Stefan Heisler and Lisa Bates


The System Performance Committee supports system wide planning to help the overall housing and service system meets the needs of individuals, including unaccompanied youth, and families experiencing homelessness. Working with the CoC Lead Agency who prepares the documents and reporting out to the Sacramento CoC Board for approval or adoption, areas of responsibility for this committee include:

  • Mapping how the homeless system of services functions, including inventorying of major programs, services and resources, to inform the Sacramento CoC Board and public;
  • Conducting the annual gaps analysis and presenting to the Sacramento CoC Board;
  • Evaluating system-level performance using HUD and community performance measures;
  • Reviewing and providing feedback as needed on aspects related to the CoC NOFA Competition and its components:
    • Project priorities list,
    • Community narrative (HUD calls this the CoC Application), and
    • Planning application
  • Reviewing and providing feedback as needed on aspects related to system performance and planning activities, such as:
    • The annual Housing Inventory Count,
    • Performance targets set in the project review tools developed by the PRC,
    • Point-in-Time Counts,
    • The annual CoC application,
    • Strategic plans and community initiatives

For more details about the SPC purpose, accomplishments, responsibilities, and more, please review the SPC Member Orientation materials and recording.

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