The Coordinated Access System

Building a system to equitably and efficiently connect those experiencing homelessness with shelter and resources.

Core Elements

In 2022, the Sacramento City and County Continuum of Care, City of Sacramento, County of Sacramento, and Sacramento Steps Forward pooled resources to create a Coordinated Access System (CAS) to help resolve homelessness in our community. The System intends to ensure that people needing help—to prevent or manage the circumstance of homelessness—can access support and services.

Prior to this coordinated initiative, the services available in our community operated independently, requiring those seeking support to reach out to various community resources on their own.


Streamlining access to resources for people experiencing homelessness, including through calling 2-1-1, available 24/7


Using equity-driven tools to determine eligibility and prioritization for available shelter or housing resources

Problem Solving

Trained navigators helping resolve an episode of homelessness quickly by exploring existing supports and options for assistance


Determining the most vulnerable households for immediate shelter or housing placement


Matching those in need with the most beneficial resources

Beyond the Data: Service Provider Experience

“Switching to CAS has been a huge success and a smooth transition. All of our beds are full, clients are getting housed, and the process has run smoothly.


The staff at CAS have been very attentive to the needs of the clients as well as the needs of our program. There is constant communication and dialog to make every improvement to better the process. My staff know that the clients are being properly screened and know the expectations that they are facing as they enter our program. 


We are thankful for the CAS 211 staff and their continued support and partnership.”


– Sierra (Shelter Operator)

Comments + Suggestions

To access homelessness services, please call 2-1-1. Sacramento Steps Forward is not a direct service provider.

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