Mather Singles Emergency Shelter Referral List Closed

At this time, the referral list is closed for the Mather Singles Emergency Shelter Program and availability for future referrals will be announced at a later date. Providers who have clients on the Mather Singles Shelter Waitlist can share the following message:


“Thank you for submitting your application for the Mather Singles Emergency Shelter program. Mather Community Campus (MCC) program currently has a waitlist for referrals into the Singles program. At this time the Mather Singles program wants to support connecting individuals with shelter options as soon as possible. Because of the current length of the waitlist and anticipated wait time, we are offering you an opportunity to complete a shelter assessment through 2-1-1 and the Coordinated Access System (CAS) to identify alternative shelter options, in addition to the Mather Singles program. If you have already completed a CAS shelter assessment, then you will be on the wait list for alternative shelters and also remain on the Mather Singles waitlist. If you have not completed a CAS assessment, you will receive a call from a 2-1-1 CAS coordinator to complete this assessment over the next few weeks. If you are working with any current agency, case manager, advocate, or friend, they can also assist you by calling 2-1-1 (press 8 for sheltering & housing resources). There is no action that needs to be taken, but please be available through the email and phone number you listed on your application.”

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