Continuum of Care Grant Application Process Released – Mandatory Training July 16

SACRAMENTO (July 2, 2018): The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the 2018 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition on Wednesday, June 20.

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, service providers in Sacramento county received $20,180,083 in funding through the CoC Program for housing and services for persons experiencing homelessness, as well as for some of the infrastructure to support our system of care.

Please join Sacramento Steps Forward for the mandatory informational Technical Assistance (TA) Workshop on Monday, July 16 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., with the last hour dedicated to training on eSNAPS, HUD’s online application tool. This workshop will provide attendees with an overview of the local application process, as well as instructions for completing the local and project applications.

Please RSVP by clicking here.

Information will be provided about renewal project applications as well as applications for new housing projects through reallocated and/or bonus funding. In addition, there is new bonus funding for applicants serving survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking (DV).  We encourage all organizations interested in applying for CoC funding to attend, including organizations that have not previously received CoC funding.


Sacramento Homeless Continuum of Care
NOFA Technical Assistance Workshop
Monday, July 16, 2918, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
925 Del Paso Blvd – Sequoia Room
Sacramento, CA 95815
Please RSVP by clicking here.


Further information regarding the Sacramento CoC NOFA local process, including key dates, is below.  Please find a summary of the 2018 Sacramento Continuum of Care NOFA here.

Please contact with any further questions.


2018 CoC Program Competition Process Overview

The following overview provides information about the local process required by HUD as part of this competition, including key dates. You can find more information about the 2018 CoC NOFA on HUD’s website.


  • NOFA OverviewThis year’s NOFA and scoring criteria are very focused on HUD’s policy priorities, including system performance measures and demonstrated ability to reallocate resources to higher performing projects, as well as making further progress on ending homelessness for all populations. As in past years, CoC funding is divided into two tiers, with projects prioritized into Tier 1 being more likely to be funded than projects of lower priority that fall into Tier 2.The CoC may apply for new projects. Funding for new projects can come from reallocation of resources or from bonus funding. Bonus projects may include:
  • New Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for persons experiencing chronic homelessness
  • New PSH that is “DedicatedPLUS,” a new term defined by HUD in the FY 2017 NOFA
  • New Rapid ReHousing (RRH) projects that will serve homeless individuals and families, including unaccompanied youth
  • New Transitional Housing-RapidReHousing (TH-RRH) projects for families or individuals experiencing homelessness, as described by HUD in the FY 2018 NOFA
  • Reallocated funds can be used for those project types, and for:
  • New Supportive Services Only projects for Coordinated Assessment
  • New Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) projects

Estimated Funding Available 

***Please note that the estimates below are based on last year’s ARD and PPRN, which may change slightly when 2018 numbers are released by HUD***
The Sacramento CoC may apply for the following estimated awards:

  • Estimated Annual Renewal Demand: $19,599,048
  • Estimated Bonus Amount (6% of Pro Rata Need): $463,058.70
  • Estimated DV Bonus amount: TBD*
  • Estimated Planning Funding: $231,529.35

*HUD has set aside $50 million for DV Bonus projects, which will support RRH, joint TH-RRH, or supportive services only projects for coordinated assessment, to serve survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.  The CoC may apply for up to 10% of our Pro Rata Need. HUD has not yet provided the Pro Rata Need, so the estimated funding is not available yet.
Key Dates

The following dates outline steps in the local process:

July 16, 2018 – 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Technical Assistance (TA) Workshop and PRESTO Training
Location: 925 Del Paso Blvd – Sequoia Room – Sacramento, CA 95815

  • This workshop will provide attendees with an overview of the local application process, as well as instructions for completing the local and project applications. All prospective applicants should attend.  Please RSVP here.

August 3, 2018 – by 12:00pm 

  • Local proposals due. Submissions will occur online.

August 6, 2018 – (Exact time and location TBD)

  • Performance Review Committee Orientation


August 13 – August 14, 2018 (Exact time and location TBD)
Review and Rank Panel

  • Rank & Review Panel meets to review and discuss proposals, score them and determine recommendation on how projects will be ranked in the 2018 application.

August 16, 2018 – by 5:00pm

  • Collaborative Applicant will post the preliminary Priority Listing. (Note: an appeals process will be scheduled after the preliminary priority listing is posted, should applicants wish to submit an appeal to their Priority Listing.)

August 20, 2018 – by 5:00pm

  • Appeals due: All appeals must be submitted to HomeBase.

August 23, 2018 – by 5:00pm

  • Priority List is distributed to applicants: HomeBase will distribute the list to the CoC Board prior to the Board Approval of the Priority List. (Note HUD Deadline: applications must have been submitted to the CoC on or before this date to be included in the CoC submission package)

On or before September 18, 2018

  • Consolidated Application and Priority Listing will be submitted to HUD

Please contact with any questions or concerns.


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