Youth Advisory Board (YAB)

Meeting Schedule:
Please Check Back at a Later Time

Meeting Location:
Zoom Meetings Until Further Notice


Please Check Back at a Later Time


The Sacramento Youth Action Board (YAB) is a formal committee of the Sacramento CoC Board. Membership consists of persons between ages 18 and 24 years at the time initial appointment to the YAB, and at least two thirds of YAB members must be experiencing homelessness or formerly experienced homelessness. The YAB advises the Sacramento CoC Board on policies and activities that relate to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Specific areas of work include:

  • Informing CoC’s written plans or strategies relative to preventing and ending youth homelessness;
  • Informing the design of the PIT Count; and
  • Informing other CoC Committee work, such as the CES Committee, Project review Committee and System Performance Committee, as it relates to preventing and ending youth homelessness.

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