Governance Committee

Meeting Schedule:
Every Other Third Wednesday of the Month from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM (Closed Session)

Meeting Location:
Zoom Meetings Until Further Notice


April Marie Dawson


The Governance Committee is responsible for ongoing evaluation of the CoC structure and operations, including:

  • Annual review of the governance charter and making recommendations for changes to the Sacramento CoC Board;
  • Overseeing Sacramento CoC Board member appointment process, including reviewing applications and nominating candidates to the Sacramento CoC Board;
  • Annually inviting membership to the Sacramento CoC and developing strategies to ensure broad participation, including persons with lived experience on the Sacramento CoC, Sacramento CoC Board, and its committees; and
  • Reviewing the annual budget and year-end reconciliation of the CoC Lead Agency and HMIS Lead Agency, relative to Sacramento CoC activities and reviewing activities broadly carried out by these entities outside of the Sacramento CoC activities.