Call for Nominations: Performance Review Committee

SACRAMENTO (April 13, 2018) — The Sacramento Continuum of Care (CoC) Advisory Board is seeking up to five (5) member to join the Performance Review Committee (PRC). Of the five members, two (2) shall be conflicted and three (3) shall be non-conflicted.

Membership will be comprised of individuals who demonstrate the following:

a) Leadership capacity and experience
b) Demonstrated ability to find solutions through collaborative engagement
c) Knowledge of issues impacting housing and homelessness
d) Representation from local constituencies with a stake in finding solutions to homelessness

The Performance Review Committee’s primary objective is to annually adopt and implement local policies and performance scoring tools and factors for the local Continuum of Care program competition in alignment with HUD policy and funding priorities. The PRC may also assess CoC-funded project and CoC system performance on an ongoing basis to inform CoC or SSF policy recommendations, as time permits after competition business is addressed.

You can access the application known as the Declaration of Interest to serve, here.

The timeline for the application and nomination process is described below:

Committee Nomintation Activity Date/Range
Call for Nominations 4/13
Application Period 4/13-5/1
Application Deadline 5/1
Nominating Committee 5/2-5/4
Advisory Board Approval of Slate 5/9

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