SACRAMENTO (March 16, 2018) — The Sacramento Continuum of Care (CoC) Advisory Board is seeking up to 11 members to create the Coordinated Entry System (CES) Evaluation Committee.
Membership will be comprised of a balance of homeless program providers participating in the CoC’s CES, individuals with expertise with similar coordinated entry systems (e.g. mental health), other systems representatives and evaluation experts (e.g., local or state governments, institutions of higher education, regional entities like SACOG), and representatives with lived experience of homelessness.
You can access the application, known as the Declaration of Interest to Serve here.
The timeline for the application and nomination process is described below:
Committee Formation Activity | Date/Date Range |
Call for Nominations | 3/14 |
Application Period | 3/14-3/27 |
Application Deadline | 3/27 |
Nominating Committee | 3/28-4/4 |
CES Committee Review of Slate | 4/5 |
Advisory Board Approval of Slate | 4/11 |