NOFA Input Session: August 8

Topic: CoC Application Parts 1C and 1D, CoC Coordination and Discharge Planning

I. Welcome & Introductions Members Present: Emily Bender, LGBT Community; Alyson Collier, SCOE Guests Present: Tanya Tran, SHRA Staff Present: Anne Moore, Interim CEO; CFO; Kate Casarino, CoC and Contracts Coordinator; Michele Watts, CPO

II. FY2018-FY2017 Comparison: Same, Similar, New See the FY2017-FY2018 CoC Application Comparison and Input Matrix* (attached)
III. Member Input (Content, Partners to Engage, Other Input) See the FY2017-FY2018 CoC Application Comparison and Input Matrix* (attached)

IV. Establishing CoC Discharge Policies Based on a review of the Detailed Instructions, the CoC needs to establish its own discharge planning policies in order to answer these questions affirmatively in the FY2018 application. Staff will research other CoCs’ discharge policies with the goal of further discussion and possible presentation of basic policies for adoption before the application is due on September 18, 2018. Further refinements of basic policies can occur in the coming year.

V. Follow Up & Next Steps – SSF to convene DV providers regarding the DV questions for FY2018. – SSF to research CoC discharge policies in other communities. – SSF to develop a calendar for sharing draft sections of the CoC Application for FY2018.
* Staff developed the FY2017-FY2018 CoC Application Comparison and Input Matrix following Input Session # 3 on August 8, 2018. It was difficult to move back and forth between multiple documents for FY2017 and FY2018 at the session and the matrix brings most of this information together into one document. We will use this matrix structure for all future CoC Application Input Sessions. The matrix, however, is not a substitute for the Detailed Instructions, where more information on how to respond to questions is provided.

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