2019 January Meeting
Call to Order: Emily Bender, Secretary, 8:19 AM
- Welcome and Introductions: Emily Bender, Secretary
- Review and Approval of Minutes: Emily Bender
- Mike Jaske- Correction under Announcements. Should read: “RT has announced new bus proposal. We will be down to 46 bus routes. This would eliminate many routes and stops, including Loaves and Fishes.”
- Motion to approve December Minutes with word correction: 1st – Emily Halcon; 2nd – Alexis Bernard, MSC.
- Request: A request to include the “Follow-Up Item” printout and to have the availability to discuss at Advisory Board.
- Chair’s Report:
- Jonathan not present. No chair report given
- SSF Interim CEO Report: Anne Moore
- SSF Board has hired a Chief Exec Officer; Lisa Bates, begins Feb 6th.
- SSF is committed to provide “Action Minutes.” We will continue to post recordings of meetings on our website.
- SSF has a commitment that Follow-Up Log will be included in minutes moving forward.
- Question raised about AB Chair is a member of SSF Board.
- Anne will communicate with SSF Board that the CoC Advisory Board understood that there is a seat on the SSF Board designated for a member of the Advisory Board.
- Motion: Advisory Board requests that chair of Advisory Board sit on SSF Board. (Erin J, 1st , John 2nd) It was also recommended that a member of the SSF Board attend the Advisory Board.
- Item A: 2019 PIT Committee
- Membership Slate and Appointment (Action Item)
- PIT Committee Slate
- David Heitstuman – Sacramento LGBT Center
- Jesse Archer – Sacramento LGBT CEnter
- Bridget Alexander – Waking the Village
- Benjamin Uhlenhop – Next Move
- Jeff Tardaguila – Community Member
- Stefan Heisler
- Noel Kammerman – Loaves & Fishes
- Daniel Monk – Sacramento Sheriff’s Department
- Todd Henry – Sacramento City Police Department
- Motion to approve slate as presented: Alexis Bernard, 1st; John Foley, 2nd. MSC.
- Item B: Governance Committee
- Developing slates for 2019 Advisory Board membership and Executive Committee membership:
- Jan 16 is deadline for nominating Advisory Board Members.
- January 31 is deadline for nominating Executive Committee Members.
- Governance Committee along with volunteer participant member Alexis Bernard will serve as the 2019 Nominating Committee.
- Nominating Committee will develop Advisory Board slate for approval at the February Board meeting.
- Nominating Committee will present Executive Committee slate for discussion at the February Board meeting and approval at the March Board meeting.
- Item C: HEAP & CESH Update
- RFQ for Systems Work: SSF has worked with City and County of Sacramento to come to agreement on Scope of Work. SSF is developing a selection process which will include CoC and Coordinated Entry representation. Waiting on award to be announced before RFQ is put out.
- SSF and the Sacramento CoC did receive $12.7M award letter for HEAP funding.
- SSF to report back to the Advisory Board on its role with HEAP and CESH. A calendar of decision points will be developed.
- Item D: Performance Review Committee
- HUD NOFA & Year-Round Performance Review Consultant Selection
- RFP was announced. HomeBase was approved for a three-year contract and will begin this month
- Plan for Data
- SSF has a commitment to bring data to the Performance Review Committee and Advisory Board on a more frequent basis.
- Item E: 100-Day Challenge Update
- Update provided by Kate Hutchinson, LSS; Bridget Alexander, Waking the Village; Tristina Stewart, SSF
- Item F: HMIS & Data Committee: Upcoming Vacancy Chair Announcement
- HMIS & Data Committee will have a Chair vacancy as of March 2019. Members interested in filling this role should talk to Michele Watts.
- Announcements:
- Adjourn
- Meeting adjourned 9:45 AM, Sarah Bontrager, Vice Chair