2018 January CoC Advisory Board Meeting

Approved Minutes

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 8-9:30 AM

Sacramento Steps Forward, 1331 Garden Highway, Sacramento, CA 95833 – VCR Room (2nd Floor)


MEMBERS PRESENT: Joan Burke, Bill Knowlton, Emily Bender, Sarah Bontrager, Cindy Cavanaugh, Cathy Creswell, Lisa Culp, John Foley, Katie Feeny, Emily Halcon, Erin Johansen, Jason Henry, David Husid, Patty Kleinknecht, Jonathan Porteus, Sarah Thomas, Charles Ware, Holly Wunder Stiles,

GUEST(S): Jonathan Gainsbrugh, Tiffany Mock-Goeman, Andrew Geurkink, Jeffery Tardaguila, Nick Mori, Dorothy Landsberg, Noel Kammermann, Erin Polina, Mike Jaske, Danny Mas–, Tanya Tran, Jason Sitar, Jenn Fleming, Jocelynn Brown Hollis, Angela Upshaw, Martin Ross, Zach Kihm

MEMBERS NOT IN ATTENDANCE:  Beth Hassett, Dion Dwyer, Todd Henry, Olivia Kasirye, Amani Sawires Rapaski, Lt. Dan Monk

STAFF: Ryan Loofbourrow-CEO, Michele Watts-Chief Program Officer, Nick Lee-Chief Operating Officer, Desli Beckman – Chief Financial Officer, Ben Avey-Chief Public Affairs Officer, Stacey Fong-Contracts Analyst, Kate Casarino-CoC and Contracts Coordinator


Call to Order: Bill Knowlton 8:06am, Quorum met at 8:07am.

  1. Welcome & Introductions by: Joan Burke

2. Review & Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:  Jonathan Porteus 1st, Joan Burke 2nd. MSC.

3. Chair’s Report:  Joan Burke: Would like to mention TLCS respite center in regards to the community effort in helping Arlan Lewis after the hospital dumped him at Union Gospel Mission. TLCS was not mentioned in the Bee article.


Would like to increase the awareness of patients being discharged to Richards Boulevard. There needs to be more communication between entities that there is indeed space/beds for clients coming from hospitals.

Porteus: One thing that needs to be clarified is whether these discharges are from medical or behavioral health facilities. This is an opportunity to create better linkage with behavioral health discharge. We need to track these discharges better. J. Porteus will be the main point of contact.

4. SSF CEO’s Report: Loofbourow:

Introduces new CoC Coordinator, Kate Casarino. New website revision (sacramentostepsforward.org). All the Advisory Board meeting minutes, agendas, recordings, will be in the “about” section. More updates to the website to come. Cap-to-Cap will be held April 14th – 18th. Primary focus will be homelessness. 14 or 15 meetings over the span of 2 days. Registration is about $3,500 and also fills up pretty quickly. Send all topics for discussion at Cap-to-Cap to Ryan (Mayra will send out email pertaining to this). C. Creswell asks meeting/forum where community members discuss topics to bring to Cap-to-Cap. Send 2017 agenda/topics discussed at least years Cap-to-Cap. Send out last year’s issue paper to the board. SSF is holding a board retreat on the 23rd with Advisory Board Executive members. Send topics you would like to be discussed to Ryan. New Business Item C of this Agenda: The flowchart that is listed in today’s meeting agenda will not be presented due to new internal discussions of working with Community Solutions and master level students to develop a community-wide system map that incorporates more than just the CoC system. If there are any questions or concerns pertaining to the system map as it stands today, please contact Nick Lee.

5. New Business

Item A: Coordinated Entry System Compliance: Recommended Policies & Updates

Foley: The CES committee is currently working on is trying to set up physical places for 211 to refer people to. Staff is working on 3 or 4 MOUs with specific sites that can be walk-up or by appointment. One piece that HUD is requiring, is to create a system that evaluates the Coordinated Entry System.With the help of the Planning Grant, we will be able to bring in an entity that will be able to evaluate the CES. CE Committee would like to adopt a subcommittee

Watts goes over the Recommended Action Handout

Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures will be available on 1/16/2018

Housing Conferencing (formally Case Conferencing) –  Best practice for Coordinated Entry. The intent is to better inform the matching process.

Foley reports on the Coordinated Entry Committee meeting that occured 1/4/18. It is widely known that there are not enough shelter beds to support the number of homeless in the city. The committee is currently trying to set up physical places for 211 to send people to. There are MOU’s with 3 or 4 sites who know here to send people and should be running by the 23rd. This will not be announced on television, rather it will be shared by word-of-mouth.

The Coordinated Entry Committee recognizes that a system should be created to evaluate the Coordinated Entry system to ensure that is working how it should. A subcommittee of the Coordinated Entry Committee will be created to evaluate the Coordinated Entry System

Cavanaugh asks the purpose of having two committee’s because it seems that they are focusing on the same thing, which is to evaluate the Coordinated Entry System.

Watts: The CE Committee is a large group and have other activities that they need to complete in 2018 (RRH Prioritization, etc). The Evaluation Committee would be able to focus on the system without incorporating other activities of the CoC.

Foley: The Evaluation Committee is a subcommittee of the CE Committee, the former being the more formal group.

Watts: The February meeting will discuss what the membership of the Evaluation Committee will look like.

Halcon: How does this committee interplays/differentiate with the Performance Review Committee?

Watts: The PRC focuses on the NOFA Competition, and in the past 2 years it has been a year-long focus. The PRC does not have the capacity to take on more work. The data and work that the Evaluation Committee will be valuable to the Performance Review Committee.

Creswell: Isn’t the PRC supposed to be looking system wide at how all the systems alone and together and ensuring that the CoC is fulfilling all responsibilities that HUD is requiring?

Watts: The NOFA Competition and creating a Scoring Tool that is sustainable year to year is the current main focus of the PRC, though more commitment to CoC-wide performance priorities can certainly be added.

Cavanaugh: The current committees are not listed anywhere and their objectives are not listed anywhere, and there is a lot of morphing.

Loofbourrow: SSF will post a list of committees on the website as they stand today. The discussion of committees will be brought up at the Board Retreat. Once the future of the committees has been finalized, it will be shared on the website again.

Thomas: Is it possible to get a copy of the CE data every month, it would be very helpful.

Item: Performance Review Committee: FY 2018 NOFA Competition Process and Timeline Revisions

Handout: Revised FY 2018 NOFA Competition Timeline

Watts presents revised FY 2018 NOFA Competition Timeline, which was originally presented in December’s Advisory Board meeting. That original timeline listed a Mid-Year review; however after the continued challenges in the PRC in finalizing the scoring tool, the Mid-Year review will not take place before the FY 2018 NOFA competition. The new timeline reflects a scoring tool finalization in the PRC’s February meeting, which will then be presented at the March Advisory Board Meeting where the Board will be able to provide their feedback and changes that need to be made will be finalized with the PRC for approval during April’s Advisory Board meeting.

Cavanaugh: Brings up a good point that the Advisory Board has not looked over the CoC application to look at key parts so that if needed, the Board can make applicable changes.

Watts: The application is usually posted on the SSF website, but the Advisory Board has not taken the time to actually look at the application, so it is a good idea to integrate that into the meetings. M. Watts and K. Casarino to develop a plan on how to incorporate this.

Suggestion from C. Cavanaugh: Looking at the data of they system, and key parts from  the application  could be a way to organize committee work.

Watts assures the Board that this recommendation of foregoing the Mid-Year review for 2018 only, and that the hope is to get to the point where the PRC is comfortable with the tool and that significant changes will not be necessary from year to year.

Reports link doesn’t work on website

Item B: Draft System Map for Review

This item was not discussed. See Section IV of this document entitled SSF CEO’s Report.

6. Follow-Up Items:

Cavanaugh – The posted provider for the City shelter and rehousing program is Sacramento Self-Help Housing.

Advisory Board Terms:

There are many members who will be terming out, with March being the last month they are valid members, including the Executive Committee

Lee explains that the SSF team and SSF board and executive committee will be discussing a way to gradually release members so that not all members are released at the same time while following the CoC governance and by-laws. This is a one-time fix because all executive members term out at the same time. A call for nominations will be posted in the weeks to come.

Casarino will send a list to the Advisory Board of all members with their term clearly stated, indicating when their term ends. Currently there are three 2-year commitment from all members.

The Governance Charter will be posted on the SSF website.

Husid: What is the best number to give out to people inquiring about services?

211 is the best number

Right now we are functioning disjointedly

Creswell: Phone services for people experiencing homelessness — is this still a barrier, or is it reasonably addressed.

7. Announcements:

Thomas: Opening the tenant based wait list on 1/16 and is open to the public for two weeks (until 1/30). There will be 7,000 randomly selected on the waitlist, and everything is accessible online.

Lee: SSF is hiring for the Continuum of Care Program Manager position. This will be posted shortly.

Cavanaugh: County is issuing an RFP within the next few weeks for a consultant to do the countywide homeless plan and will be inclusive of everything that is not county funded.

Mock-Goeman: Carmichael Heart Winter Shelter intake is at Crossroad. Contact Ken Bennett and Sac Self Help or the Carmichael Heart website.

8. Meeting Adjourned: 9:30am  

Prepared by: Kate Casarino, CoC and Contracts Coordinator


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