2017 October CoC Advisory Board Meeting

Approved Minutes

Wednesday, October 11, 2017 8-9:30 AM

Sacramento Steps Forward, 1331 Garden Highway, Sacramento, CA 95833 – VCR Room (2nd Floor)


MEMBERS PRESENT: Joan Burke, Bill Knowlton, Emily Bender, Sarah Bontrager, Cathy Creswell, Dion Dwyer, John Foley, Emily Halcon, Jason Henry, David Husid, Todd Henry, Erin Johansen, Patty Kleinknecht, Lt. Dan Monk.

GUEST(S): Jenn Fleming, Nick Mori, Zach Kihm, Jeffrey Tardaguila, Jonathan Gainsborough, Tom Kigar, Lacey Mickleburgh, Mike Jaske, Alexis Bernard, Kate Hutchinson, Cheyenne Caraway, Brian Pyne, Robynne Rose-Haymer, Noel Kammermann.

MEMBERS NOT IN ATTENDANCE: Katherine Cooley, Cindy Cavanaugh, Lisa Culp, Katie Freeny, Olivia Kasirye MD, Holly Wunder Stiles, Charles Ware, Amani Sawires Rapaski, Sarah Thomas.

STAFF: Michele Watts-VP of Programs, Nick Lee-VP of Operations, Ben Avey, Gabrielle Salazar.


Call to Order: Bill Knowlton 8:06am, Quorum met at 8:08am.

I. Welcome & Introductions by: Joan Burke

II. Review & Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:
Cathy Creswell 1st, Patty Kleinknecht 2nd. MSC.

III. Chair’s Report: Joan reported feeling struck by the fires, and the amount of dislocation that is occurring. Brings home the work that we do every day with our folks who have been dislocated. Hope that the fire subsides quickly.

Joan reported on what was discussed at the SSF Board, how SSF will be working on developing a data hub to be the interpreter of data for homelessness. SSF wants to be better at sharing the information that we have, so everyone can do their jobs more effectively. Clarity was requested around if SSF will be hosting the data. Michele responded that we will not be hosting all the data, but rather that we will gather various stakeholders to look at data together to make informed decisions. Once we have the data positions filled, we will get advice from that person. SSF recognizes that we have not been able to get information that the community has requested as they would like it. The goal of SSF’s data hub is to be able to better understand the data we have and make more informed decisions. SSF has hired a Harvard Grad with a Masters from Berkeley for this position.

IV. SSF CEO’s Report: Ryan is away at a study mission. This one focuses on successes and failures in Austin, Texas. Studying tiny home villages and homeless solutions. Ryan and Suzi Dotson are the leads for the homeless conversation on the study mission. Patty noted that our homeless population here in Sacramento is 4-5 times higher here than in Austin.

V. New Business: FY2017 NOFA

A. Item: Tier 2 Impacts

See handout.

Michele reports that the NOFA is over, but there is still work to do. Erin Johansen made a correction on the Tier 2 Handout. TLCS Possibilities is a joint application with Wind Youth Services. TLCS holds the Transitional Housing (TH) and Wind holds the Rapid Rehousing (RRH). Michele explained that Boulevard Court straddles the line between Tier 1 and Tier 2. She explained that it is very unlikely that it will not be fully funded, although it is not guaranteed. She anticipates the full budget will go to Tier 1. Erin Johansen talked about the new TH to RRH project. This project is designed for Transitional Age Youth (TAY). It has been difficult for TAY to be successful in RRH in the past. The option of going through TH first, will give them more opportunities to be successful. This project will give youth up to 24 months in the TH, but may be as little as 6 months. During the 6-24 months, the TAY will develop essential skills such as life skills, education, employment. After TH the client can move into a RRH program, likely with a roommate. It was noted that on the handout, it shows 30 as the number of units. That is with the hope that those units will be turned over two times. At the TH facility, there will be someone living on-site. There will be a lot of supervision and safety. John Foley asked why it is so expensive, and Erin replied that the resources and the 24-hour supervision is costly.

Action: Michele look into changing 30 units to 15/15 if necessary.

Cathy Creswell asked if the word “units” refers to one person or a family. It may be helpful to use more specific language.

Action: Michele will look into adding more information on what the target population is.

Cathy recommended that we add the projected number of people served over one year. Michele noted that in RRH we see longer lengths of stay and success going to Permanent Housing, or we are seeing shorter lengths of stay and unsuccessful exits.

There was a questions about what will happen to those in projects that are getting defunded. Michele responded that we see if we can assist people to leave successful, see if they can graduate from the program. For those who cannot, we will see if they can be enrolled into a different program. Noel Kammermann asked if TA will be offered to those in Tier 2 who do get funded. Michele responded that yes, they will receive TA. There is another RRH Boot Camp coming up and other TA will be offered in the Spring and Winter.

The discussion shifted to how there are sometimes two parts to a project. One part may land in Tier 1, and another in Tier 2, typically the two parts are the service and the program. The question was raised about what would happen to those who get only one part of their program funded, either the program or the services. Kate Hutchinson offered the idea to bundle them together in the future. Michele anticipates that we will know about funding in January. As soon as SSF gets the information, it will be sent out to everyone.

Michele mentioned that the RRH Collaborative will be meeting next week Friday, and they will be discussing the impacts at that meeting as well. The collaborative is a closed meeting. Jason Henry asked if the discussion is around all CoC Projects. Michele explained that is only RRH, and that Joyce from SVRC is on the invite list.

Jenn Fleming discussed the plan for MLK Village if it is not refunded through HUD. They would supplant funds with permanent vouchers good for 20 people, and they would utilize 60 Shelter plus Care vouchers for 60 subsidized units. They would utilize the same service provider. If they do get refunded, then they will put out an RFP through the CoC. Joan asked what number of Tier 2 was funded last year. Michele answered that only Adolfo was refunded. John Foley asked why it scored so low. Emily Halcon thought it might be because they were not utilizing Housing First principles.

Jenn asked which first year projects would be scored next year. Michele said that it varies. It all depends on their start dates. It is possible that a few of them will go two years without being scored. John asked if the Mid-Year Review will take place in February, and Michele answered that is what we are thinking, although it is not certain at this point. John asked what the Advisory Board is responsible for here. Cathy responded that they are responsible for making decisions and for the NOFA process. Joan explained that the decisions made at the Advisory Board cannot be overturned by the SSF Board.

The conversation turned to the Gaps Analysis. John Foley wanted to know how we can get one. Michele commented that we can use the Planning Grant funding to help fund a Gaps Analysis. Erin asked what it would cost, and if we could get private funding for it so it could cover more than just HUD funded projects.

Action: Michele will share the deliverables and keep the board advised. Noel discussed if we do a gaps analysis through HUD it will not be a true gaps analysis because it will only cover those who are category 1 homeless, not those who are doubled up. It will not accurately reflect our community. Emily asked where this Gaps Analysis should live, and suggested that maybe it should not live with SSF.

B. Item: Stakeholder Debriefing

On October 20th there will be a debrief of the projects competition at the Quarterly provider ED meeting. There will be a separate meeting for HUD CoC recipients regarding certain things that recipients need to do that sub recipients will not have to do. Then there will be another meeting in the beginning art November fir Advisory Board members and the broader community. SSF will engage beforehand and ask for agenda item suggestions for that meeting. SSF will report back the the Advisory Board at the meeting in December on what took place.

VI. Follow-Up Items:

-Information on the Planning Grant was sent out.

-We will send out more inventory lists.

-Ben Avey reported that the SSF Board has chosen not to share their minutes with the Advisory Board. Cathy asked what the relationship is between the Advisory Board and the SSF Board. Cathy noted that it would be helpful to have some kind of matrix showing what the Advisory Board is responsible for and what the SSF Board owns. It would show who has authority and who is responsible.

-There was a request that financial reports be dispersed again. There was a recognition that there is not enough time to discuss them during the Advisory Board, but that it would be great for them to be distributed each month.

-Patty requested that a list of acronyms be posted on our website.

-New Board Member Orientation was requested by Emily Bender.


VII. Announcements:

Nick Mori – Hep A vaccinations are available through the County. They are also looking into sanitation concerns. Issues such as public restrooms, etc.

Tom Kigar – This was his first meeting and he feels that the there is great work being done at the Advisory Board meeting. He feels there is a story to be told of the good collaboration that is occurring.

Kate Hutchinson – There is a consumer art show coming up at LSS on Friday at 1pm.

Cathy Creswell – The Sacramento Housing Alliance (SHA) is having its regional housing summit on October 30th. It will be all-day event. Preserving housing stock, addressing homelessness, and the need for coordination will all be discussed.


VIII. Meeting Adjourned: 9:31am  

Prepared by: Gabrielle Salazar, Outreach Manager

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