We have officially completed Sacramento’s 2024 Point-In-Time Count. Thank you to all of the community members who came together in full force to contribute to this important effort.
Below, you can find linked highlights from the night-of and post-PIT coverage of the kick-off event and count:
“Volunteers take to the streets to gauge homeless crisis in Sacramento County”
“Homeless Crisis: Sacramento County begins Point-In-Count”
“A look at the 2024 Point-In-Time count in Sacramento County”
Capital Public Radio:
Citrus Heights Sentinel:
“Workers conduct homeless count in Citrus Heights, as wet weather keeps many in shelters”
“Sacramento County begins biannual count of homeless population,”
“Work to begin on counting Sacramento County’s unhoused population”
Sacramento News & Review:
“Counting Sacramento’s homeless: Volunteers set out across region for biennial Point-In-Time Count”
The Sacramento Bee:
Video: “See volunteers search for unsheltered people during the Point in Time count in Sacramento”
The Sacramento Observer:
“Counting Sacramento’s homeless: Volunteers set out across region for biennial Point-In-Time Count”