The annual CoC Board recruitment for new members were accepting applications November 2022 through January 2023. With over 100 CoC Board applicants received, we are excited to announce at the March 8th CoC Board meeting the CoC Board approved the appointment of seven new CoC Board members. The new CoC Board members are:
Deborah Hicks, Elder Care/Support Services, Director of Community, Development HeartLand Child & Family Services
Elizabeth Jimenez, Person with Lived Expertise (PLE)
Haimanot Ashenafi, BIPOC / Local Government, Housing Administrative Analyst, City of Elk Grove
Julie Lo, Person with Lived Expertise (PLE), Senior Director of Grantmaking + Capacity Building
Ken Cooley, Legal / Attorney, Attorney at Law, Locally-Accomplished Elder Statesman
Tifni Vettel, Sgt., Law Enforcement, Homeless Outreach Sgt., Sac. County, Sheriff
Troy Lynch, Housing Authority Management, Program Manager, Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA)