2022 Sacramento Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs)

What are Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs):

  • The American Rescue Plan (ARP) of 2021 appropriated $5 billion for the EHVs
  • 70,000 were awarded to appr. 700 Housing Authorities
  • Sacramento received 494 vouchers (potential to receive more)
  • Separate from Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program
  • All referrals must come through the Continuum of Care’s (CoC’s) Coordinated Entry (CE) System or from a Victim Service Provider
  • EHV eligibility is limited to households (individuals and families) who are:
    • Homeless;
    • At-risk of homelessness;
    • Fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking; and
    • Recently homeless, and for whom providing rental assistance will prevent homelessness or risk of housing instability
  • Additional information on EHVs:

Latest Information on EHVs

On July 2022, Sacramento Steps Forward, in partnership with Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA), has re-open the EHV assessments for clients currently enrolled and housed in eligible Rapid Rehousing (RRH) Programs. Rapid Rehousing is a short-term rental assistance program. This allows new candidates that are at risk of returning to homelessness once their RRH assistance ends, to be referred to EHV.

To be prioritized for a referral, clients must meet the following criteria:

  1. Actively working with a service provider/agency with HMIS access.*
  2. Currently housed AND leased in an eligible Rapid Rehousing Program.
  3. Households must not need ongoing services or will be connected to an ongoing service provider (minimum of one year) after leaving RRH.
  4. Was literally homeless prior to Rapid Rehousing Program.

*If you are currently not working with a service provider, please call 2-1-1 to get connected.

Please see the attached document for instructions on submitting an EHV Assessment:

EHV for RRH Participants

Please remember, submitting an assessment does not guarantee an EHV referral. Referring providers will be contacted directly if their clients are selected and will be expected to support in completing necessary paperwork.

Coordinated Entry Guiding Principles

EHVs Resources:​

Check this page for new information and updates. Updated: December 21st, 2021.

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