Welcome!  Thanks for your interest in joining our Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).  Sacramento Steps Forward manages the HMIS for both Sacramento and Yolo County.  Before we can grant HMIS access to any of your employees, we will need to sign agreements with your agency and create a program for them to enroll clients and document the services you are offering.  Please note: HMIS is a database.  If you are looking for services for yourself or your client, please see our participating agency list below. If your agency is already active in HMIS, you can skip directly to the Requesting a Program section of this page.  Please jump to our Bed Count and Housing Inventory section to update your program information.

Participating Agencies

Click here for a downloadable version.

HMIS Agency Requests

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Is your agency interested in joining HMIS, required to participate, or planning to close its current agency in the system? Use the forms below to request the addition of a new HMIS agency, update an existing one, or notify us if your agency is closing.

To request a new agency in HMIS, the CEO or other administrative staff must complete the following requests:

Please complete the request below to make an update to an existing agency or notify us of a closing agency:

HMIS Program Requests

If you are new to HMIS, once an agency request is submitted, please work to complete a program request as well below. Also, to make updates to a current project in HMIS please submit the required form. 

Once we have received your submission, we will set up a meeting to discuss your program request.  If you have any questions, please email us at hmis@sacstepsforward.org or join us during our Open Office Hours!

Update Bed Count and Housing Inventory

If you run a housing program, we request that you confirm your bed count and housing inventory quarterly, updating it to reflect any changes. To add or make changes to your program housing inventory in HMIS, please fill out the request below for your Continuum of Care. Accurate housing inventory allows us to efficiently refer clients to your program and ensures that your housing utilization numbers do not accidentally reflect poorly on your organization. 

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