Michele Watts
The link to the application can be found here.
Purpose and Scope
The Sacramento CoC conducts a count of unsheltered persons every other year, as mandated by HUD. This Point-In-Time (PIT) count provides valuable data on the number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, as well as trends in subpopulation demographics such as veteran status, chronic homelessness, and transition age youth over time.
Formation of the PIT Count Subcommittee creates a formal mechanism for the CoC Board to engage with staff and consultants in the planning and implementation of the count. The 2021 subcommittee will participate throughout the process, including the research consultant competitive selection process, methodology and survey content input to the final reporting of results after the count. The subcommittee will provide regular updates, as well as recommendations as needed, to the System Performance Committee and/or the CoC Board. The subcommittee will also debrief the 2021 PIT Count once completed, in order to provide recommendations for future counts.
Member Roles and Responsibilities
The role of subcommittee members is to represent their constituencies and the broader CoC community in the planning, implementation, and debriefing the 2021 PIT Count. The commitment to this subcommittee is about 13 months, with the expectation that it will meet monthly from July 2020 to approximately July 2020. A work plan and timeline will be developed to guide this effort. Member responsibilities include reviewing materials prior to meetings, attending meetings, advising staff in advance if a meeting will be missed, and following up on any additional commitments the member makes over the course of the subcommittee’s work. Subcommittee co-chairs take on the additional responsibilities of working with staff to prepare meeting agendas and materials and facilitating the meetings.
Subcommittee Recruitment & Appointment Process & Timeline | |
Date(s) |
Recruitment Announcement at System Performance Committee | Thurs., May 28 |
Informal Recruitment Emails
Thurs., May 28 – Wed., June 10 |
Recruitment Announcement at CoC Board
Wed., June 10 |
Community Recruitment Announcement- Email Listserv & SSF Website Posting | Fri., June 12 |
Application Period
Fri., June 12 – Mon. June 22 |
Application Deadline
Mon., June 22 |
System Performance Committee Chair & CoC Executive Committee Finalize Slate | Thurs., June 25 |
CoC Board Approval of Slate
Wed., July 8 |
The link to the application can be found here.