New Rapid Rehousing to Permanent Supportive Housing Policies and Procedures Adopted

The Sacramento Continuum of Care (CoC) has adopted a new Rapid Rehousing (RRH) to Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Policy and Procedures document, recognizing and acting on the need for strengthened and streamlined access to permanent housing. The RRH-PSH policy acknowledges that there are some RRH participants that even after stabilization services will require longer-term or permanent support to maintain their housing. The Sacramento Continuum of Care supports the transfer of program participants who may need specific services or accommodations to support long-term housing stability.


Requests may be used in rare instances when all other options have been exhausted to prevent returns to homelessness. In the case of transfer requests submitted to prevent program termination, documents that show the reason for termination and due diligence of explored options, attempts at resolution and reasons for lack of resolution may be requested. Vacancies to programs are filled by clients at the top of the priority list when an opening is reported. This excludes transfer requests due to fleeing/experiencing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and/or human trafficking, which are prioritized over all other requests and follow the specific processes outlined in Sacramento’s Continuum of Care Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Emergency Transfer Plan. This policy also does not cover the process of transferring clients when a HUD-CoC project is closing. When an entire project is closing,


SSF will work with the applicable agency and HUD to develop a plan of action to ensure that, to the extent possible, no participants return to homelessness (see the CoC’s Defunded Project Policy).

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