EmpowerED Providers: Strategies for resourcing your clients through domestic violence, human trafficking and sexual assault.

Access training materials, presentation slides, and handouts here.


Recorded on June 26, 2024


Note: This is intended to be an informational introductory training with occasional mentions of sample cases. Formal direct advisory on actual cases and clients are not provided; please contact the respective providers mentioned for additional guidance.


This learning experience comprehensively covers the complex dynamics of domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, privacy and confidentiality, safety planning, including how to handle emergency situations at access point(s) that are not explicitly designated for persons fleeing domestic violence, human trafficking, or sexual assault.


This collaboration with Family Justice Center, International Rescue Committee and WEAVE, will empower you to effectively partner with local victim service provider (VSP) agencies to ensure your clients are receiving the most informed expertise in the fields of domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual assault.


Through this partnership, you will learn best protocols to address immediate safety concerns while coordinated entry staff work to find a permanent housing placement.


Note that agencies funded through the HUD Continuum of Care and/or the Emergency Solutions Grants Program are required by HUD to complete this training. However, we welcome any provider offering direct services to domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking survivors and people experiencing homelessness to participate.

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