CAS August 2024 Monthly Report

Read our August report for highlights from Sacramento’s front door to homelessness and housing services: the Coordinated Access System (CAS). Each month, the CAS helps connect thousands of residents experiencing or at risk of homelessness with crucial community resources.

"A client in our program had been anxiously awaiting a response regarding her PSAP financial assistance from Sacramento Steps Forward. For weeks, she faced uncertainty, unsure if she would be able to secure a stable place to live. Despite the long wait, she remained hopeful, working closely with our team to ensure all her paperwork was in order. Finally, the good news came—she was approved for both the financial assistance and her new home. The relief was overwhelming, and she was overjoyed to have a safe place to call her own. This experience not only provided her with stable housing but also restored her faith in the process, proving that persistence and patience can lead to positive outcomes."

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