All In Action Plan: Weekly Update #1

The Sacramento Community is working on the next phase of our Action Plan to prevent and resolve homelessness. Since the adoption of Sacramento’s Local Homeless Action Plan (LHAP) in 2022, we have made notable progress in expanding prevention resources, investing in local capacity, increasing access to emergency shelter and interim housing, and more. With that, however, much more work is necessary to meet our goal of making homelessness in Sacramento rare, brief, and non-recurring.


Integral to the impact of the Plan and our collective efforts is continual review and refinement of strategies. In December, we began the process to expand our local Action Plan to a Regionally Coordinated Homelessness Action Plan (RCHAP) that includes all municipalities in Sacramento County, to be submitted to the state in March. 


The review and refinement of the plan formally began on December 19th, with a convening of local partners to gather feedback and insight to ensure that our efforts remain responsive, relevant, and accountable to the needs of Sacramento residents. Materials from the December workshop are available HERE.


This next iteration of our Action Plan must be informed by current data and the perspectives and experiences of community partners from throughout the region. Engagement opportunities to inform the Plan will continue throughout the next month. 


January engagement opportunities are scheduled for the following dates:


  • January 10th Morning Workshop – 9:00AM-12:30PM
  • January 10th Evening Engagement Session – 6:30PM-8:00PM
  • January 31st Morning Workshop – 9:00AM-12:30PM
  • January 31st Evening Engagement Session


Details and Registration for all events are posted on the All In Sacramento page


To learn more about the Regionally Coordinated Homelessness Action Plan and stay informed about the next steps, visit the All In Sacramento page where you will find background information about the Plan, reports on our latest progress, a calendar of events, and opportunities to get more involved in the planning process. We welcome your participation in this “All In Sacramento” campaign to end homelessness!



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