How Can We Help You?

The HMIS Department is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance to our community partners.  We have a variety of resources and ways to contact HMIS staff to assist you.  Please read below to learn about our Open Office Hours, Support Hours, Job Aids, FAQ, and ways to contact HMIS via email.

Open Office Hours

Every Wednesday 12pm-2pm

HMIS offers Open Office Hours (OOH) every week to provide one-on-one real time assistance for anyone with questions about HMIS.  We welcome questions about any and all topics related to HMIS.  Some common examples include resolving your specific error or HMIS problem, running reports that can help you with your work, and requests for new services or other changes in your programs. 

HMIS Support Hour

Wednesdays as scheduled 2pm-3pm

We created this additional hour of assistance to provide specialized support for current HMIS requests, like federal reporting requests, data quality campaigns, and seasonal events like our annual recertification.  These zoom meetings are specifically to answer questions regarding the current topic.  Any general HMIS questions should be addressed during Open Office Hours or by emailing the HMIS Department 

Job Aids are short documents with step by step directions and corresponding images to guide a user through a common HMIS task.  Whether it is a guide on how to properly enroll a family into a program or run a specific report – like the Program Roster guide below – the Job Aids are a useful tool for folks who prefer detailed instructions.  You can find our ever growing collection by clicking either the title above or the image below.  If you can’t find the Job Aid you are looking for, please click the request button at the top of the page and we will work on it right away.

Our HMIS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page is a collection of questions that we receive in our HMIS inbox.  We have separated out the questions in a collection of categories, including Log In Issues, Global Client Profiles, and Reports.  This is a great place to find answers to your questions and learn a few new things.  You can reach this page by clicking on the title above or the image below.  If you would like to request an addition to our FAQ page, please email us.

Emailing HMIS This is our primary email address and where the majority of our emails come through.  The volume of emails can vary, but we are committed to responding to your email within no more than 72 hours. When we send out our HMIS Newsletters each month, this is email address we use.  Any questions about our newsletters, requests for content, or submissions for our “Ask HMIS” column should be directed here. As we continue to roll out our data quality improvement efforts, we are using this email address to communicate with our CoC partners.  Please reply back to this email address or use it to contact us directly with questions about current data quality campaigns or suggestions for future campaigns.

P.S. Please remember to use UIDs when discussing clients via email.

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