About the 2022 CoC Program Competition

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), signifying the beginning of a funding competition among approximately 450 Continuums of Care (CoC), the community stakeholder groups that guide local responses to homelessness. The 2022 CoC NOFO was released on August 1st, 2022, opening the competition making available approximately $2.8 billion nationally to serve people experiencing homelessness. The information in the NOFO sets forth the competition rules and processes for 2022. The entire grant application was due on September 30, 2022, giving the Sacramento community approximately 9 weeks to complete the full application process.

Sacramento Region Awarded $30.5 Million to Address Homelessness 

On March 28th, 2023, the US Department of Housing and Community Development (HUD) announced the Sacramento City & County Continuum of Care (CoC) has been awarded $30.5 million to fund 36 projects designed to move individuals and families experiencing homelessness into permanent housing with access to supportive services, and to help them achieve long-term stability. The FY2022 award amount represents a 2.7% increase over the FY2021 award amount of $29.7 million. 


The majority of the 36 awards renew and sustain existing permanent housing projects. Combined, these critical funds will continue finance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Out of the 36 awards, 32 renew various homelessness services programs. Combined,. these crit ical funds will continue to finance 2,508 renewal beds and add 156 new beds to the homelessness response system.  


The Sacramento CoC’s renewal projects are almost entirely PSH projects, where participants receive ongoing rental subsidies and voluntary supportive services with no time limit. The CoC funds several RRH projects targeted to transition age youth and survivors of domestic violence. 

Sacramento’s new projects include: 

  1. Northview Pointe PSH- a site-based project with behavioral health supports for 66 single adults (Recipient: Hope Cooperative). 
  2. Cornerstone Blvd. PSH- a site-based project with supportive services for 33 single adults (Recipient: SSF; Subrecipient: Lutheran Social Services). 
  3. Achieving Change Together (Expansion) PSH- a project with supportive services for 17 single adults (Recipient: SSF; Subrecipient Lutheran Social Services). 
  4. Esperanza DV RRH 2- housing location and short to medium term rental assistance project with supportive services for 15 families (40 beds) who are survivors of domestic violence (Recipient: Shelter Inc). 

The Sacramento CoC lost two renewal projects in the FY2022 competition: 

  1. Shared Community PSH- a shared housing PSH project serving 50 adult-only households in approximately 13 large rental homes in Sacramento (Recipient: SSF; Subrecipient: Sacramento Self Help Housing).  
  2. Shasta Hotel PSH- funds providing supportive services to 18 residents of a Single Room Occupancy Hotel (Recipient: SHRA). 

Participants in these projects will be prioritized by the CoC’s Coordinated Entry System and other housing options, to avoid returns to homelessness for residents.  

This HUD award also supports CoC planning activities and the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). CoC planning activities include efforts to reduce racial disparities, support the meaningful engagement of people with lived experience of homelessness in decision-making. and HMIS is used to collect client-level data on housing services and uses the data in a variety of ways, including evaluating project performance, providing insights to shape future actions, and for the preparation of federal reporting.     

Congratulations to the awarded projects and thank you for continuing to serve our community’ The Sacramento County awards can be found on page 5 and 6 of the report below.

Project Name




Number of UnitsAwarded Amount
Achieving Change Together (ACT)Lutheran Social ServicesPSH33$507,275
ACT ExpansionLutheran Social ServicesPSH17$518,993
Boulevard CourtSacramento Housing and Redevelopment AgencyPSH14$203,906
Building Bridges ProgramLutheran Social ServicesPSH124$373,680
ConnectionsLutheran Social ServicesRRH16$550,602
Cornerstone BoulevardLutheran Social ServicesPSH33$333,980
Esperanza SacramentoSHELTER, Inc.RRH9$716,409
Esperanza Sacramento RisingSHELTER, Inc.RRH15$715,000
Friendship HousingSacramento Self Help Housing*PSH30$1,857,967
Home at LastNext MovePSH22$437,908
HOPE RATLCS, Inc.PSH180$2,804,461
Joy of LivingLao Family Community DevelopmentRRH15$454,465
Lavender CourtLutheran Social ServicesPSH24$310,961
Mather Veterans VillageMercy HousingPSH11$166,804
MSH Rehousing ProjectMy Sister’s HouseRRH10$291,557
Mutual Housing at the HighlandsLutheran Social ServicesPSH21$441,789
New CommunitySacramento Self Help Housing*PSH13$930,999
Northview PointeTLCS, Inc.PSH66$300,000
Omega Permanent Supportive Housing ProjectNext MovePSH37$452,641
Quinn CottagesCottage HousingPSH60$318,083
Sacramento HMISSacramento Steps ForwardHMISN/A$273,194
Saybrook Permanent Supportive Housing ProjectLutheran Social ServicesPSH55$575,765
Senior ConnectLutheran Social ServicesPSH25$592,804
Shelter Plus Care TRASacramento Housing and Redevelopment AgencyPSH349$6,301,155
SSF Planning Project 2022Sacramento Steps ForwardPlanningN/A$867,661
SSF Sacramento CESSacramento Steps ForwardSSO-CEN/A$300,000
SSF Sacramento Survivors CESSacramento Steps ForwardSSO-CEN/A$325,658
Step Up SacramentoNext MovePSH130$3,275,215
Survivors of Human Trafficking (Housing for HT)Opening DoorsRRH28$698,024
TPCP Pathways Alternative Housing ProjectTurning Point CommunityPSH25$555,345
TPCP Pathways Fairview & Bravado ProjectTurning Point CommunityPSH12$206,384
Youth ConnectLutheran Social ServicesPSH15$409,918
CA-503 Total :   $30,512,102

*Federal funding for these CoC Program PSH projects operated by Sacramento Self Help Housing (SSHH) has been approved for the FY2022 cycle. These projects will continue to house homeless individuals. SSF is working with the CoC to community to identify a new provider or providers to take on ongoing operations of these projects as SSHH ceases operations. 

Check this page for new information and updates. Updated: December 4th, 2023


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