The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project, (YHDP), is a two-year renewable demonstration grant awarded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to select communities nation-wide. Broadly, YHDP funds are used to specifically support youth and young adults through the age of 24. The specifics of what will be funded will be developed by the Youth Action Board (YAB) guided by adult advocates, education partners, and service providers with support from technical assistance provided by HUD and the US Department of Education. This will result in our Coordinated Community Plan (CCP) which is a cross-system effort outlining how Sacramento will prevent and end youth homelessness.

How Can Partners Help:

  • Help connect youth and young adults to the Youth Action Board meetings.
  • Participate in the Planning meetings so that the needs of youth and young adults are represented.
  • Provide data about the numbers and demographics of youth experiencing homelessness in your agency.
  • Participate in listening circles (consider adding the goal of the listening circles).
Check this page for new information and updates. Updated: May 28, 2024.