System Inventory
System Utilization Rates
2,621 Units
3,746 Units
System Inventory by Type
The figure below illustrates the number of shelter and housing units reported and used in the previous month. These metrics are categorized by intervention type and the degree of coordination facilitated by the Coordinated Access System (CAS), which is Sacramento’s coordinated entry system. The outer slices indicate each group’s portion of the total system inventory, while the inner slices demonstrate the utilization of each group’s inventory in the last month.
Shelter Utilization Rates
1,072 Units
1,549 Units
Shelter Inventory by Type
The figure below illustrates the number of shelter units reported and used in the previous month. These metrics are categorized by intervention type and the degree of coordination facilitated by CAS. The outer slices indicate each group’s portion of the total shelter inventory, while the inner slices demonstrate the utilization of each group’s inventory in the last month.
Sheltered Clients by Race/Ethnicity
The figure below illustrates the racial/ethnic distribution of clients enrolled in shelter programs last month.
Housing Utilization Rates
2,072 Units
817 Units
857 Units
Housing Inventory by Type
The figure below illustrates the number of housing units reported and used in the previous month. These metrics are categorized by intervention type and the degree of coordination facilitated by CAS. The outer slices indicate each group’s portion of the total shelter inventory, while the inner slices demonstrate the utilization of each group’s inventory in the last month.
Housed Clients by Race/Ethnicity
The figure below illustrates the racial/ethnic distribution of clients enrolled in housing programs last month.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Coordinated Access System (CAS)?
CAS, or the Coordinated Access System, is Sacramento’s coordinated entry system. CAS-participating programs streamline access to resources for people experiencing homelessness; use equity-driven tools and trained navigators; and prioritize the most vulnerable households for immediate placement into shelter or housing. For more details on CAS, visit the System Overview.
How are “system” programs defined?
The system refers to programs who enter data into HMIS. This report will not cover shelter and housing inventory for programs who do not enter their data in HMIS.
How are utilization rates calculated?
Utilization rates are calculated as the number of unit nights occupied by households over the number of unit nights available during the reporting period.
Why do some programs have low utilization rates?
A common question we hear is “Why are there people on the streets if shelters/housing aren’t full?”. All programs have barriers to entry, some more than others. Some programs are specific to the population being served such as families or youth only. Not all programs are equipped to serve clients with physical, mental, or behavioral disabilities. There are also programs designed to provide supplemental support to those enrolled; for example, a program providing job preparation may require workforce participation and will turn away someone unwilling to commit to those goals.
How are data quality issues handled?
In the case that a program has not sheltered or housed any clients for the period, their utilization is calculated as 0/# or nan%. In outlier circumstances, if a program with enrolled clients has failed to report inventory, they are not included in system calculations.
Why are some programs split by funding source?
HMIS is only able to assign a single funding source per program. Consequently, programs with multiple funding sources are split by funding source within HMIS. As the purpose of this report is to share the data as-is from HMIS, programs with multiple funding sources have not been consolidated below. Other reports focused on provider-level performance may consolidate these program as needed.
How are Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) projects tracked?
For Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) projects, inventory is based on funding specifically used for rental subsidies, types of households and average size of households that the project will be serving, the current market rate for units that would serve those households, and lastly, an estimate of the number of households the program could subsidize if the program had to fully subsidize their rents. This inventory is reviewed and updated annually to best reflect the number of clients housed by these programs.
How is race/ethnicity grouped?
In HMIS, a client’s race/ethnicity is collected through a multiple-selection question. For reporting purposes:
- Clients who reported only one category were grouped accordingly.
- Clients who reported more than one category were grouped as ‘Multiracial.’
- Clients who did not respond or refused to answer were grouped as ‘Unknown.’
Where can I update my program’s inventory in HMIS?
Requests for updates to program inventory can be submitted here: Sacramento CoC-503 Inventory Form.
Where can I ask additional questions?
Please direct any additional questions on methodology to the Analytics Team at You can also receive HMIS technical assistance by contacting the HMIS Team at
Program Details
The following tables list out all programs listed within HMIS and their corresponding utilizations rates.
Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit
Program | Agency | CAS Participating | DV Provider | Utilization | Unit Inventory |
CS DCR: Motel Voucher Program - Step Up on Second - ES | City of Sacramento DCR – Partnerships (CS DCR) | CAS | No | 84% | 200 |
CS: North 5th Navigation Center - ES | City of Sacramento (CS) | CAS | No | 79% | 163 |
DHSH-SA: Center Of Hope ARPA - ES | DHSH Partnership with Salvation Army (DHSH-SA) | CAS | No | 91% | 70 |
FSC: North A Street Campus - ES | First Step Communities (FSC) | CAS | No | 94% | 80 |
LGBT CC: Short-Term Transitional Emergency Program (STEP) - ES | Sacramento LGBT Community Center (LGBT CC) | CAS | No | 90% | 14 |
NM: Family Shelter - ES | Next Move (NM) | CAS | No | 96% | 17 |
NM: Family Shelter HEAP - ES | Next Move (NM) | CAS | No | 100% | 3 |
NM: Mather Singles Interim Housing - ES | Next Move (NM) | CAS | No | 89% | 140 |
SHRA-FSC: Emergency Bridge Housing at The Grove - ES | SHRA & First Step Communities - Partnership (SHRA-FSC) | CAS | No | 100% | 50 |
SHRA-VOA: Meadowview Navigation Center - ES | SHRA: Meadowview Navigation Center for Women (SHRA-VOA) | CAS | No | 97% | 100 |
SHRA-X-VOA: X Street Navigation Center - ES | SHRA: X Street Navigation Center (SHRA-X-VOA) | CAS | No | 98% | 100 |
SJPRC: Emergency Shelter Program - ES | Saint John's Program For Real Change (SJPRC) | CAS | No | 43% | 79 |
WV: The Village - ES | Waking the Village (WV) | CAS | No | 89% | 8 |
WYS: Common Ground - ES | Wind Youth Services (WYS) | CAS | No | 91% | 20 |
BII: Bridging House Emergency Shelter - ES | Bridging Initiatives International (BII) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 7 |
CEG-GI: Elk Grove Shelter - ES | City of Elk Grove and Gathering Inn - Partnership (CEG-GI) | Non-CAS | No | 96% | 30 |
CEG: Motel Voucher - ES | City of Elk Grove (CEG) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 3 |
CN: Rancho Cordova Emergency Shelter - ES | City Net (CN) | Non-CAS | No | 100% | 6 |
COVID: Project Room Key (PRK) Motel Voucher - ES | COVID-19 Temporary Shelter System | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 5 |
CRS: City of Refuge - ES | City of Refuge Sacramento (CRS) | Non-CAS | No | 60% | 5 |
DCFAS-VOA: Home Safe - Nottoli Place - ES | DCFAS Partnership with Volunteers of America (DCFAS-VOA) | Non-CAS | No | 98% | 15 |
DCFAS-VOA: Senior Safe House - ES | DCFAS Partnership with Volunteers of America (DCFAS-VOA) | Non-CAS | No | 90% | 6 |
DHSH-CN: Florin Rd/Power Inn Safe Stay - ES | DHSH Partnership with City Net (DHSH-CN) | Non-CAS | No | 61% | 125 |
DHSH-CN: ERF Scattered Site Shelter Project - ES | DHSH Partnership with City Net (DHSH-CN) | Non-CAS | No | 34% | 50 |
DHSH-CN: East Pkwy Safe Stay - ES | DHSH Partnership with City Net (DHSH-CN) | Non-CAS | No | 84% | 56 |
DHSH-CN: Scattered Site Shelter Program (GF) - ES | DHSH Partnership with City Net (DHSH-CN) | Non-CAS | No | 113% | 105 |
DHSH-CN: Scattered Site Shelter Program (HHAP) - ES | DHSH Partnership with City Net (DHSH-CN) | Non-CAS | No | 8% | 40 |
DHSH-FSC: Stockton Blvd. Safe Stay - ES | DHSH Partnership with First Step Communities (DHSH-FSC) | Non-CAS | No | 49% | 155 |
FSC: Roseville Road - ES | First Step Communities (FSC) | Non-CAS | No | 107% | 105 |
HC-Sac: Palmer Apartments - ES | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 68% | 48 |
SA: Veteran Emergency Shelter - ES | Salvation Army (SA) | Non-CAS | No | 81% | 25 |
SKC: Adults in Crisis Motel/Hotel - ES | Sacramento Kindness Campaign (SKC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 3 |
SKC: Kids in Crisis Motel/Hotel - ES | Sacramento Kindness Campaign (SKC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 6 |
TPCP: Emergency Shelter - ES | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | Non-CAS | No | 36% | 22 |
VOA: Open Arms - ES | Volunteers Of America (VOA) | Non-CAS | No | 79% | 20 |
WEAVE: Emergency Shelter Program - ES | WEAVE | Non-CAS | Yes | 148% | 23 |
WSH: Care Transition (CalAIM CS) - ES | WellSpace Health (WSH) | Non-CAS | No | 129% | 34 |
WYS: Doug's Place TAY - ES | Wind Youth Services (WYS) | Non-CAS | No | 101% | 6 |
WYS: RHY Youth Shelter - ES | Wind Youth Services (WYS) | Non-CAS | No | 5% | 6 |
Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night
Program | Agency | CAS Participating | DV Provider | Utilization | Unit Inventory |
CS DCR: Outreach and Engagement Center 1 - NbN ES | City of Sacramento DCR – Partnerships (CS DCR) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 62 |
PH – Housing Only
Program | Agency | CAS Participating | DV Provider | Utilization | Unit Inventory |
MH: Mercy 7th and H - PH | Mercy Housing (MH) | Non-CAS | No | 96% | 75 |
PH – Housing with Services (no disability required for entry)
Program | Agency | CAS Participating | DV Provider | Utilization | Unit Inventory |
JH: Vista Nueva (MHSA) - PH | Jamboree Housing (JH) | CAS | No | 27% | 15 |
LS: Central Sacramento Studios (Sutter House) - PH | LifeSTEPS (LS) | CAS | No | 80% | 92 |
LS: Villa Jardin/Coral Gables - PH | LifeSTEPS (LS) | CAS | No | 65% | 43 |
MH-HC-TC: La Mancha - Hope Coop - PH | Mercy Housing, Hope Cooperative, & Telecare - Partnership (MH-HC-TC) | CAS | No | 94% | 60 |
MH-TC-WSH: Capitol Park Hotel WellSpace 2 Units (CES) - PH | Mercy Housing, Telecare, & WellSpace - Partnership (MH-TC-WSH) | CAS | No | 50% | 2 |
SHRA-FYI: Foster Youth to Independence - PH | SHRA: Foster Youth to Independence (SHRA-FYI) | CAS | No | 0% | 98 |
MH-TC-WSH: Capitol Park Hotel WellSpace CTCAC AHP Homeless 15 units - PH | Mercy Housing, Telecare, & WellSpace - Partnership (MH-TC-WSH) | Non-CAS | No | 80% | 15 |
MH-TC-WSH: Capitol Park Hotel WellSpace CTCAC Homeless 44 units - PH | Mercy Housing, Telecare, & WellSpace - Partnership (MH-TC-WSH) | Non-CAS | No | 45% | 44 |
MH-TC-WSH: Capitol Park Hotel WellSpace HOPWA 8 units - PH | Mercy Housing, Telecare, & WellSpace - Partnership (MH-TC-WSH) | Non-CAS | No | 50% | 8 |
NF: Mather Veteran's Village (Phase 1) - Income Based PH | Nation's Finest - Sacramento (NF) | Non-CAS | No | 50% | 8 |
NF: Mather Veteran's Village (Phase 3) PBV - PH | Nation's Finest - Sacramento (NF) | Non-CAS | No | 110% | 20 |
PH – Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required for entry)
Program | Agency | CAS Participating | DV Provider | Utilization | Unit Inventory |
CA 503: New Community - HUD PSH | CA 503 CoC Agency | CAS | No | 79% | 33 |
CHI: Quinn Cottages - HUD PSH | Cottage Housing, Inc. (CHI) | CAS | No | 99% | 60 |
HC-Sac: Hope RA CES - HUD PSH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | CAS | No | 78% | 65 |
HC-Sac: Northview Pointe - PH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | CAS | No | 100% | 66 |
HC-Sac: Sunrise Pointe - PSH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | CAS | No | 61% | 38 |
HC-Sac: Sunrise Pointe Apartments No Place Like Home (NPLH) - PSH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | CAS | No | 100% | 7 |
HCFS: Sunrise Point - PSH | Heartland Child and Family Services (HCFS) | CAS | No | 94% | 16 |
HCFS: The Boulevard Housing - PSH | Heartland Child and Family Services (HCFS) | CAS | No | 50% | 10 |
HCFS: Villa Jardin - PSH | Heartland Child and Family Services (HCFS) | CAS | No | 75% | 4 |
JH: Vista Nueva - PH | Jamboree Housing (JH) | CAS | No | 44% | 91 |
LS: ICMS Shasta Hotel - PSH | LifeSTEPS (LS) | CAS | No | 70% | 53 |
LSS-Sac: Achieving Change Together (ACT) - HUD PSH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | CAS | No | 139% | 33 |
LSS-Sac: Cornerstone Boulevard - PSH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | CAS | No | 94% | 33 |
LSS-Sac: Lavender Court - HUD PSH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | CAS | No | 96% | 24 |
LSS-Sac: Mutual Housing at Highlands - HUD PSH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | CAS | No | 110% | 21 |
LSS-Sac: Saybrook - HUD PSH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | CAS | No | 80% | 55 |
LSS-Sac: Senior Connect - HUD PSH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | CAS | No | 71% | 35 |
LSS-Sac: Youth Connect - HUD PSH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | CAS | No | 93% | 15 |
MH-OCH: OCH and Colonia Housing Vouchers - PSH | Mercy Housing & One Community Health - Partnership (MH-OCH) | CAS | No | 0% | 16 |
MH-TC-WSH: Capitol Park Hotel Telecare NPLH Chronic Homeless (CES) - PSH | Mercy Housing, Telecare, & WellSpace - Partnership (MH-TC-WSH) | CAS | No | 46% | 26 |
MH-TC-WSH: Capitol Park Hotel Telecare NPLH Homeless (CES) - PSH | Mercy Housing, Telecare, & WellSpace - Partnership (MH-TC-WSH) | CAS | No | 79% | 19 |
MH: The Courtyards on Orange Grove (CES-WS) - PSH | Mercy Housing (MH) | CAS | No | 81% | 26 |
NF: Mather Veteran's Village (Phase 1) - HUD CoC PSH | Nation's Finest - Sacramento (NF) | CAS | No | 81% | 16 |
NF: Mather Veteran's Village (Phase 1) - HUD VASH PSH | Nation's Finest - Sacramento (NF) | CAS | No | 103% | 30 |
NF: Mather Veteran's Village (Phase 3) - HUD VASH PSH | Nation's Finest - Sacramento (NF) | CAS | No | 92% | 25 |
NF: Mather Veteran's Village (Phase 3) PBV CES - PSH | Nation's Finest - Sacramento (NF) | CAS | No | 60% | 5 |
NM: Home At Last - HUD PSH | Next Move (NM) | CAS | No | 95% | 22 |
SHRA-S+C: HUD TRA - PSH | SHRA: Shelter Plus Care (SHRA S+C) | CAS | No | 70% | 565 |
SHRA-S+C: Mercy Blvd Court (Budget Inn) - HUD PSH | SHRA: Shelter Plus Care (SHRA S+C) | CAS | No | 107% | 14 |
SI: New Vision - PSH | Shelter, Inc. (SI) | CAS | No | 99% | 120 |
SUS: LSS Single Adults - PSH | Next Move - Step Up Sacramento (NM-SUS) | CAS | No | 92% | 40 |
SUS: LSS TAY Families - PSH | Next Move - Step Up Sacramento (NM-SUS) | CAS | No | 96% | 15 |
SUS: Next Move Adult Families - PSH | Next Move - Step Up Sacramento (NM-SUS) | CAS | No | 100% | 25 |
SUS: Next Move Omega Collaboration - PSH | Next Move - Step Up Sacramento (NM-SUS) | CAS | No | 88% | 8 |
SUS: Next Move Seniors - PSH | Next Move - Step Up Sacramento (NM-SUS) | CAS | No | 90% | 20 |
SUS: Next Move Single Adults (Overflow) - PSH | Next Move - Step Up Sacramento (NM-SUS) | CAS | No | 73% | 11 |
SUS: Wind Single TAY - PSH | Next Move - Step Up Sacramento (NM-SUS) | CAS | No | 100% | 12 |
TC: OASIS Mutual Housing on the Boulevard (MHOTB) - PSH | Telecare (TC) | CAS | No | 85% | 40 |
TC: Villa Jardin/ Coral Gables - PSH | Telecare (TC) | CAS | No | 92% | 12 |
TPCP: Central Sac Studio TPISA Supportive Housing Units - PSH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | CAS | No | 87% | 15 |
TPCP: Fairview & Bravado Project - PSH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | CAS | No | 32% | 21 |
CHI: McClellan Park - HUD PSH | Cottage Housing, Inc. (CHI) | Non-CAS | No | 92% | 40 |
CHI: McClellan Park - Non HUD PSH | Cottage Housing, Inc. (CHI) | Non-CAS | No | 95% | 43 |
CSCS: TAY Full Service Partnership - PSH | Capital Star Community Services (CSCS) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
EHCS: Community Justice Support Program (CJSP) FSP - PSH | El Hogar Community Service, Inc. (EHCS) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
EHCS: Sierra Elder Wellness Program FSP - PSH | El Hogar Community Service, Inc. (EHCS) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 24 |
HC-Sac: Co-Ops - PSH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 30% | 33 |
HC-Sac: Hope RA New Direction - HUD PSH **DO NOT ENROLL NEW CLIENTS** | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 100% | 36 |
HC-Sac: Hope RA PACT PPHP - Legacy - HUD PSH **DO NOT ENROLL NEW CLIENTS** | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 100% | 28 |
HC-Sac: Hope RA PACT PPHP-Expansion 2018 - HUD PSH **DO NOT ENROLL NEW CLIENTS** | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 100% | 16 |
HC-Sac: Hope RA PACT PPHP-Expansion II 2019 - HUD PSH **DO NOT ENROLL NEW CLIENTS** | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 100% | 4 |
HC-Sac: Hope RA WORK - HUD PSH **DO NOT ENROLL NEW CLIENTS** | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 97% | 30 |
HC-Sac: Hotel Berry - PSH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 90% | 10 |
HC-Sac: New Direction FSP - PSH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
LSS- Sac: 39th and Broadway - PSH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 100% | 12 |
MH-HC-TC: La Mancha - Telecare - PSH | Mercy Housing, Hope Cooperative, & Telecare - Partnership (MH-HC-TC) | Non-CAS | No | 82% | 40 |
MH-TC-WSH: Capitol Park Hotel Telecare NPLH At Risk of Chronic Homeless - PSH | Mercy Housing, Telecare, & WellSpace - Partnership (MH-TC-WSH) | Non-CAS | No | 25% | 20 |
MH: Ardenaire Apartments - PSH | Mercy Housing (MH) | Non-CAS | No | 89% | 19 |
MH: Mercy Blvd Court - NON S+C PSH | Mercy Housing (MH) | Non-CAS | No | 84% | 58 |
MH: Mercy MLK Village (The King Project) - HUD PSH | Mercy Housing (MH) | Non-CAS | No | 95% | 38 |
MH: Mercy MLK Village - PSH | Mercy Housing (MH) | Non-CAS | No | 69% | 16 |
MH: The Courtyards on Orange Grove (Telecare) - PSH | Mercy Housing (MH) | Non-CAS | No | 70% | 23 |
MH: The Courtyards on Orange Grove (Wellspace) - PSH | Mercy Housing (MH) | Non-CAS | No | 88% | 48 |
ROCC: Juvenile Justice Diversion and Treatment Program - PSH | River Oak Center for Children (ROCC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
ROCC: WRAP - PSH | River Oak Center for Children (ROCC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
SCH: WRAP - PSH | Sacramento Children's Home (SCH) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
SSYF: Wraparound (WRAP) - PSH | Stanford Sierra Youth & Families (SSYF) | Non-CAS | No | 100% | 1 |
TC: ARISE FSP - PSH | Telecare (TC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
TC: Sacramento Outreach Adult Recovery (SOAR) FSP - PSH | Telecare (TC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
TPCP: Integrated Services Agency FSP (ISA) - PSH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
TPCP: Mutual Housing at the Highlands - PSH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | Non-CAS | No | 80% | 33 |
TPCP: Pathways to Success Scattered Site - PSH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | Non-CAS | No | 15% | 59 |
TPCP: YWCA - PSH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | Non-CAS | No | 29% | 7 |
PH – Rapid Re-Housing
Program | Agency | CAS Participating | DV Provider | Utilization | Unit Inventory |
BII: Rapid Rehousing - RRH | Bridging Initiatives International (BII) | CAS | No | 50% | 2 |
DHA: Disability Benefits Advocacy Program (DBAP) - RRH | Sacramento County Dept of Human Assistance (DHA) | CAS | No | 179% | 5 |
DHSH-BACS: LEAP (Landlord Engagement Assistance Program) - RRH | DHSH Partnership with Bay Area Community Services (DHSH-BACS) | CAS | No | 523% | 5 |
DHSH-SWS: Housing for a Healthy California (HHC): Sustainable Wellness Solutions – RRH | DHSH Partnership with Sustainable Wellness Solutions (DHSH-SWS) | CAS | No | 354% | 1 |
LSS-Sac: Connections - HUD RRH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | CAS | No | 214% | 7 |
VOA: Bringing Families Home - RRH | Volunteers Of America (VOA) | CAS | No | 62% | 24 |
VOA: Bringing Families Home: Emergency Response Informal Supervision Housing Intervention Program (ER-IS) - RRH | Volunteers Of America (VOA) | CAS | No | 54% | 24 |
VOA: Countywide - State ESG - RRH | Volunteers Of America (VOA) | CAS | No | 100% | 5 |
VOA: Sacramento City ESG - RRH | Volunteers Of America (VOA) | CAS | No | 280% | 3 |
VOA: Sacramento County ESG - RRH | Volunteers Of America (VOA) | CAS | No | 300% | 2 |
WV: YHDP - RRH | Waking the Village (WV) | CAS | No | 1600% | 1 |
APCC: Transcultural Wellness Center FSP - RRH | Asian Pacific Community Counseling (APCC) | Non-CAS | No | 183% | 6 |
BACS: CORE Outpatient Cedar - RRH | Bay Area Community Services (BACS) | Non-CAS | No | 300% | 1 |
BACS: CORE Outpatient Sycamore - RRH | Bay Area Community Services (BACS) | Non-CAS | No | 496% | 4 |
BACS: CORE Outpatient Willow - RRH | Bay Area Community Services (BACS) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
BACS: THRIVE FSP - RRH | Bay Area Community Services (BACS) | Non-CAS | No | 250% | 2 |
BACS: THRIVE Outpatient - RRH | Bay Area Community Services (BACS) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 2 |
CSCS: TAY Full Service Partnership - RRH | Capital Star Community Services (CSCS) | Non-CAS | Yes | 0% | 1 |
CSERFP - Rapid Re Housing - RRH | City of Sacramento ERF Partnership (CSERFP) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 98 |
DCFAS-VOA: Home Safe - Nottoli Place - RRH | DCFAS Partnership with Volunteers of America (DCFAS-VOA) | Non-CAS | No | 18% | 1 |
DCFAS-VOA: Home Safe - RRH | DCFAS Partnership with Volunteers of America (DCFAS-VOA) | Non-CAS | No | 14% | 9 |
DHA-NM: Flexible Housing Pool (FHP) HSP – RRH | DHA Partnership with Next Move (DHA-NM) | Non-CAS | No | 1088% | 0 |
DHA: HSP - RRH | Sacramento County Dept of Human Assistance (DHA) | Non-CAS | No | 70% | 96 |
DHMF: Flexible Integrated Treatment (FIT) Folsom - RRH | Dignity Health Medical Foundation (DHMF) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
DHSH-CN: ERF Rapid Rehousing - RRH | DHSH Partnership with City Net (DHSH-CN) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 9 |
DHSH-FSC: Stockton Blvd. Safe Stay Rapid Rehousing Program - RRH | DHSH Partnership with First Step Communities (DHSH-FSC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 29 |
DHSH-SWS: FHP Flexible Supportive Rehousing Program - RRH | DHSH Partnership with Sustainable Wellness Solutions (DHSH-SWS) | Non-CAS | No | 4% | 145 |
EHCS: CORE Outpatient Marigold - RRH | El Hogar Community Service, Inc. (EHCS) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 25 |
EHCS: CORE Outpatient Mariposa - RRH | El Hogar Community Service, Inc. (EHCS) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
EHCS: Community Justice Support Program (CJSP) FSP - RRH | El Hogar Community Service, Inc. (EHCS) | Non-CAS | No | 3100% | 1 |
EHCS: Sierra Elder Wellness Program FSP - RRH | El Hogar Community Service, Inc. (EHCS) | Non-CAS | No | 33% | 3 |
HC-Sac: CORE Outpatient Howe - RRH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 2 |
HC-Sac: CORE Outpatient X Street - RRH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 11% | 50 |
HC-Sac: New Direction FSP - RRH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 67% | 9 |
HCFS: Flexible Integrated Treatment (FIT) - RRH | Heartland Child and Family Services (HCFS) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
HCFS: Heartland Family Wellness Center FSP - RRH | Heartland Child and Family Services (HCFS) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
IH: Roads Home SSVF - RRH | Insight Housing (IH) | Non-CAS | No | 107% | 31 |
LSS-Sac: Housing with Dignity - RRH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
LSS-Sac: YHDP Inspiring Youth Voices - RRH | Lutheran Social Services (LSS-Sac) | Non-CAS | No | 94% | 17 |
NF: Sacramento SSVF - RRH | Nation's Finest - Sacramento (NF) | Non-CAS | No | 194% | 8 |
NF: Yolo SSVF - RRH | Nation's Finest - Sacramento (NF) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 2 |
NM: PRK through Next Move Homeless Services - RRH | Next Move (NM) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 12 |
PC: Flexible Integrated Treatment (FIT) - RRH | Pacific Clinics (PC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
ROCC: Flexible Integrated Treatment (FIT) - RRH | River Oak Center for Children (ROCC) | Non-CAS | No | 100% | 1 |
ROCC: Juvenile Justice Diversion and Treatment Program - RRH | River Oak Center for Children (ROCC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
ROCC: WRAP - RRH | River Oak Center for Children (ROCC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
SCH: Flexible Integrated Treatment (FIT) - RRH | Sacramento Children's Home (SCH) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 6 |
SHRA-FSC: Emergency Bridge Housing at The Grove - RRH | SHRA & First Step Communities - Partnership (SHRA-FSC) | Non-CAS | No | 91% | 15 |
SHRA-VOA: Meadowview Navigation Center - RRH | SHRA: Meadowview Navigation Center for Women (SHRA-VOA) | Non-CAS | No | 37% | 63 |
SHRA-X-VOA: X Street Navigation Center - RRH | SHRA: X Street Navigation Center (SHRA-X-VOA) | Non-CAS | No | 83% | 19 |
SJPRC: Independent Housing Partnership - RRH | Saint John's Program For Real Change (SJPRC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 5 |
SSYF: Flexible Integrated Treatment (FIT) - RRH | Stanford Sierra Youth & Families (SSYF) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 16 |
SU2ND-CS: Anti Displacement - RRH | Step Up on Second and City of Sacramento - Partnership (SU2ND-CS) | Non-CAS | No | 50% | 2 |
SU2nd-CS: AFSCME - RRH | Step Up on Second and City of Sacramento - Partnership (SU2ND-CS) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
TC: ARISE FSP - RRH | Telecare (TC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 3 |
TC: OASIS - RRH | Telecare (TC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
TPCP: CORE Outpatient Elk Grove - RRH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 3 |
TPCP: CORE Outpatient Madison - RRH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
TPCP: Integrated Services Agency FSP (ISA) - RRH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 9 |
TPCP: Pathways to Success - RRH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
UCDCC: Child Flexible Integrated Treatment (FIT) - RRH | UC Davis CAARE Center (UCDCC) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 1 |
VOA: Vet Families Non-HUD SSVF - RRH | Volunteers Of America (VOA) | Non-CAS | No | 86% | 54 |
WSH: THRIVE Outpatient Program - RRH | WellSpace Health (WSH) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 5 |
Transitional Housing
Program | Agency | CAS Participating | DV Provider | Utilization | Unit Inventory |
BII: Transitional Housing - TH | Bridging Initiatives International (BII) | CAS | No | 9% | 12 |
JH: Vista Nueva - TH | Jamboree Housing (JH) | CAS | No | 100% | 10 |
WV: YHDP - TH | Waking the Village (WV) | CAS | No | 133% | 6 |
AS: AcademySTAY - TH | AcademySTAY (AS) | Non-CAS | No | 10% | 58 |
BI: BHBH Bridges Inc Men's - TH | Bridges, Inc. (BI) | Non-CAS | No | 87% | 10 |
BI: BHBH Bridges Women's - TH | Bridges, Inc. (BI) | Non-CAS | No | 120% | 10 |
BI: BHBH Bridges Yreka - TH | Bridges, Inc. (BI) | Non-CAS | No | 29% | 10 |
BI: Men's House - TH | Bridges, Inc. (BI) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 6 |
BI: North - TH | Bridges, Inc. (BI) | Non-CAS | No | 149% | 8 |
BI: Promise House - TH | Bridges, Inc. (BI) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 6 |
BI: South - TH | Bridges, Inc. (BI) | Non-CAS | No | 75% | 8 |
CN: Carmichael HART - TH | City Net (CN) | Non-CAS | No | 33% | 8 |
CRS: City of Refuge Restorative Home - TH | City of Refuge Sacramento (CRS) | Non-CAS | No | 25% | 4 |
CSCRP: Capital Star CRP - TH | Capital Star Crisis Residential Program (CSCRP) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 15 |
DHSH-NM: Adolfo - Former Foster Youth - TH | DHSH Partnership with Next Move (DHSH-NM) | Non-CAS | No | 90% | 40 |
DHSH-NM: Adolfo - HCD Scattered - TH | DHSH Partnership with Next Move (DHSH-NM) | Non-CAS | No | 98% | 20 |
DHSH-NM: Adolfo - Scattered - TH | DHSH Partnership with Next Move (DHSH-NM) | Non-CAS | No | 44% | 9 |
DHSH-WE: Empower Housing Program - TH | DHSH Partnership with Women's Empowerment (DHSH-WE) | Non-CAS | No | 150% | 10 |
LGBT CC: Emergency Housing for Victims of Crime (TLP) - TH | Sacramento LGBT Community Center (LGBT CC) | Non-CAS | No | 98% | 6 |
NF: GPD Men's Transitional Housing - TH | Nation's Finest - Sacramento (NF) | Non-CAS | No | 42% | 81 |
NF: GPD Women's Transitional Housing - TH | Nation's Finest - Sacramento (NF) | Non-CAS | No | 66% | 12 |
NM-WEAVE: Mather - Transitional Housing Program for Families - TH | Next Move & WEAVE Partnership (NM-WEAVE) | Non-CAS | No | 87% | 25 |
SA: E.Claire Raley Transitional Living Program (TLP) - Non-HUD TH | Salvation Army (SA) | Non-CAS | No | 84% | 31 |
SA: Next Step Transitional Program - TH | Salvation Army (SA) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 12 |
SJPRC: Square - TH | Saint John's Program For Real Change (SJPRC) | Non-CAS | No | 64% | 33 |
TPCP: Crisis Residential Program - TH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | Non-CAS | No | 0% | 45 |
VOA-MCC: GPD Program - TH | VOA - Mather Community Campus (VOA-MCC) | Non-CAS | No | 95% | 80 |
WV: Audre's RHY - TH | Waking the Village (WV) | Non-CAS | No | 114% | 7 |
WV: Tubman RHY - TH | Waking the Village (WV) | Non-CAS | No | 60% | 7 |
WV: YE Tubman House - TH | Waking the Village (WV) | Non-CAS | No | 88% | 8 |
WYS: Transformational Living Program - TH | Wind Youth Services (WYS) | Non-CAS | No | 75% | 12 |
Programs with Zero Inventory
The following programs are active within HMIS but do not have any active inventory. They have been removed from this report.
Program | Agency | Project | CAS Participating | DV Provider |
CSCS: Flexible Integrated Treatment (FIT) - RRH | Capital Star Community Services (CSCS) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | Non-CAS | No |
HC-Sac: CORE Outpatient Marconi - RRH | Hope Cooperative (HC-Sac) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | Non-CAS | No |
IH: Roads Home SSVF - RRH Services Only | Insight Housing (IH) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | Non-CAS | No |
LFCC: Flexible Integrated Treatment (FIT) - RRH | La Familia Counseling Center (LFCC) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | Non-CAS | No |
SHRA-VOA: Meadowview Navigation Center - RRH: Services Only | SHRA: Meadowview Navigation Center for Women (SHRA-VOA) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | Non-CAS | No |
SHRA-X-VOA: X Street Navigation Center - RRH: Services Only | SHRA: X Street Navigation Center (SHRA-X-VOA) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | Non-CAS | No |
TC: Sacramento Outreach Adult Recovery (SOAR) FSP - RRH | Telecare (TC) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | Non-CAS | No |
TPCP: CORE Outpatient Rosin - RRH | Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | Non-CAS | No |
VOA: SSVF - RRH Services Only | Volunteers Of America (VOA) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | Non-CAS | No |
Non-HMIS Participating Programs
The following programs do not track their enrollments in HMIS but are included here as reference. Programs may not participate in HMIS because their funding source does not require them to, or if they serve victims of domestic violence and require additional data security.
Program | Agency | Project | DV Provider |
BGMH: Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home Shelter - ES (HIC/PIT Only) | Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home (BGMH) | Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit | No |
C2C: Break Free - ES (HIC & PIT only) | Connect 2 Change (C2C) | Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit | No |
CH HART: Citrus Heights Winter Sanctuary - ES (HIC/PIT Only) | Citrus Heights Homeless Assistance Resource Team (CH HART) | Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit | No |
FPS-IN: Family Promise Shelter - ES (PIT/HIC Only) | Family Promise of Sacramento - Interfaith Network (FPS-IN) | Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit | No |
LF: Sister Nora's Place - ES (PIT/HIC Only) | Loaves and Fishes (LF) | Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit | No |
RC HART: Rancho Cordova Winter Sanctuary - ES (HIC/PIT Only) | Rancho Cordova Homeless Assistance Resource Team (RC HART) | Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit | No |
UGM: Emergency Shelter - ES (HIC/PIT Only) | Union Gospel Mission (UGM) | Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit | No |
F HART: Folsom Winter Sanctuary - ES (HIC/PIT Only) | Folsom Homeless Assistance Resource Team (F HART) | Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night | No |
DVA: VASH Vouchers - PH (HIC/PIT ONLY) | Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) | PH – Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required for entry) | No |
MSH: My Sister's House - RRH (PIT&HIC Only) | My Sister's House (MSH) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | No |
ODI: Survivors of Trafficking Program - RRH | Opening Doors, Inc. (ODI) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | No |
SI: Esperanza Rising - RRH (HIC/PIT Only) | Shelter, Inc. (SI) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | No |
SI: Esperanza Sacramento - RRH (HIC/PIT Only) | Shelter, Inc. (SI) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | No |
SI: New Chance - RRH (HIC/PIT Only) | Shelter, Inc. (SI) | PH – Rapid Re-Housing | No |
F HART: Transitional Housing - TH (HIC/PIT Only) | Folsom Homeless Assistance Resource Team (F HART) | Transitional Housing | No |
OID: Survivors of Human Trafficking - TH (HIC & PIT ONLY) | Opening Doors, Inc. (ODI) | Transitional Housing | No |
UGM: Annex - TH (HIC/PIT Only) | Union Gospel Mission (UGM) | Transitional Housing | No |
UGM: New Life Program - TH (HIC/PIT Only) | Union Gospel Mission (UGM) | Transitional Housing | No |
WEAVE: Transitional Housing - TH (HIC/PIT Only) | WEAVE | Transitional Housing | Yes |