System Modeling with Stella M Office Hours

Thursday, November 21, 11:00 a.m.


Stella Modeling (Stella M) is an interactive tool to help communities conduct system modeling by calculating inventory and performance recommendations based on data inputs.


The System Modeling with Stella M Office Hours will include a community case study from the Youth Homeless Demonstration Program. The community will share their process for determining what project types and pathways to include in their ideal system and the Stella team will demonstrate how those projects and pathways can be reflected in Stella M. There will be time saved for your questions.


Check out the System Modeling Assumptions Guide, the Project Type Library video, and the new Pathways video.


Registration is not required.


To join the office hours, select the joining link at the meeting time. The meeting number is 2427 422 2460 and the password is Stella.


Join the office hours here.



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